Oh no, not again!

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After dinner Stevie brought Lily to bed while the twins played video games together with their 7-year old sister Julie. Ben was playing with his cars in front of Lindsey who played with his guitar. A few moments later Stevie came into the living room. 

"Is everything alright?" Lindsey asked.

"Yes she sleeps like a log" she sat down next to him. "Alright guys one more hour and it's bedtime for you" 

"But moooooom!" Evan and Paul said in unison.

"No I don't want to hear it. One.more.hour"


"Listen to your mother guys" Lindsey said. "If you want to argue again then it's bedtime now."

Ben chuckled as Evan and Paul stuck out their tongues, unseen from Stevie and Lindsey. 

Meanwhile Carlie was in the bathroom. She took a pregnancy test out of her bag that she bought while Stevie and Lindsey were with Josh. 

"Please be negative....please" she begged while she took the test. During that time she called her boyfriend Matt.

"Hey babe what's going on?"

"Hey Matt...I....we have to talk"

"O.kaaay? Do you want to break up?"

"No!..No of course not but..."

"But, what Carlie? Hurry I have to go to the football training soon"

"Matt....." She was in tears at that point. "I'm late..."

"Huh? Late for what?"

"My...period should've started 4 weeks ago...."


"I might be pregnant..."

"Oh shit!!! Do you took a test?"

"I'm currently doing one..."

"And? What does it say?"

She slowly looked at the little plus sign on the test and began to cry. 

"Holy shit....! Please don't tell me it's positive"

"It is...."

"Damn! I'm too young to be a father! My dad is going to kill me!..You..you have to get rid of it before anybody knows!"

"W-what?!....No..I.....I can't kill it!"

"Yes you can and you will If you want to be together with me!! It's not my fault If you're too stupid to take the birth control pill!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"No I am not!  So get rid of it soon otherwise the whole school will know what a whore you are! I have to go now. Text me when you got rid of this thing" With that he hung up.

She cried more and was still shocked. After a while she got back to her room. STevie sensed that something was wrong so she followed her and knocked on the door. 

"Leave me alone please.."

"It's me Carls" 

"........alright come in"

She opened the door and sat down on Carlie's bed. 

"What's wrong Carlie?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You cried, I see it. And I know If something's wrong with you"

"Oh just a bad grade in biology..."

"And now the real reason"

"That is the reason Mom"

Stevie raised an eyebrow, Carlie sighed. 

"I can't tell you Mom...."

"Of course you can baby...you can tell me everything" 

"I know it's just......not yet mom okay?"

She nodded. "Yes I understand. But If you want to talk just tell me"

"Thank you mom"

She kissed Carlie's forehead. 

"Good night. I love you"

"Love you, too mom"

Meanwhile Lindsey was in the bathroom to get ready for the bed when he discovered something next to the toilet. 


He picked the item up and recognized it quickly.

"Oh no not again!" 

He ran into the bedroom where Stevie was laying on the bed with her journal.

"Is it true Stevie?!" 

She looked up and took off her glasses. 


"Don't act like you didn't know I thought you were on the pill"

"Calm down, I am on the pill"

"Why are you pregnant then?!" 

"What?..Lindsey I'm not pregnant" She laughed. "Why do you think I'm pregnant?"

"Wait...you're not?" 

She shook her head. "No"

"I......I found this test here in the bathroom I just thought that you....."

Suddenly Stevie realised what was wrong with her eldest daughter. 

"Oh God no......Lindsey just before I went to bed I was in Carlie's room. She cried and...she couldn't tell me what's going on....."

"Do you think that..."

She nodded. 

"I'm going to kill this guy!!!" 

"Lindsey!! The last thing she needs right now is an angry father" 

"I have all rights to be angry!"

"No you have not. Remeber? I had Josh when I was 19. My father didn't killed you or wanted to"

"He punched me in the face! He broke my nose Stevie"

"Yeah but at least he didn't killed you"

"Not Funny Steves"

She sighed. "I know...but I'm not allowing an abortion in this house I mean....it's a bit early to have a grandchild but...we raised or still raising eight children..One more isn't harmful."

"I ...I swore that I'll protect her when she was born....I failed.."

"Aw no baby, no, you didn't failed at all. She has wonderful grades and I really really believe that it was an accident...we can't change it but we have to be there for her now..."

"Ugh why are you always right?"

"Hm because one of us has to be" She chuckled. 

"Oh you'll pay for this!" He began to tickle her. 

"oh my god stoooop hahaha stooop!!"

"Ha! only for a kiss"

"Oh come on how old are you?" He continued tickling her. "okay okay I give up!!"

She kissed him deeply. 

"I love you Mrs Buckingham"

"I love you, too Mr Buckingham" 

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