three: jingle bells

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lennon || noah


a beatles song just came on
i thought of you

one of the girls in our house
brought her bible to beach week
i thought of you

what? i don't get it

haven't you heard of noah's ark?

haven't you heard of judaism?
*snaps in z formation*

how does one even live
without christmas?
i'm not even religious and i
still celebrate christmas

it's called hanukkah

what about all the presents?

i hope you know that hanukkah
is eight days of presents, lennon

what about christmas music??
how can you live without
christmas music?
you poor, deprived baboon

the world won't end without
jingle bells playing every
five seconds in the mall

how much would you hate me if i
told the dj to only play christmas
music for the rest of the week?

i'd be in jail for first degree murder

does noah have a violent side i don't
know about? you should definitely
think about putting this in your profile
all the girls would come running

don't even get me started on the
christmas decorations in stores
three months before december

is someone a little bitter today?

i'm fine as long as you
don't tell me your favorite
colors are red and green

i don't know my favorite color

how do you not know
your favorite color?

because i'm an indecisive bitch

but if you had to pick,
what would it be?


why black?

it's the color of my nonexistent soul


aren't you just glad you swiped right


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