Part 16: Demon pox or chicken pox (1)

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Vladimir pulled me along to, guiding me through the crowds who are gasping, covering their mouths, staring at us holding our hands and fingers intertwined. My cheeks were covered in pastel red shades, burning like I have sunburn oddly only on my cheeks. We're holding hands as our hands came in contact. Vladimir didn't care about it and simply waltzed through without feeling shy and all. We pierced through the crowds and finally arrived at a black door. At the center top of the wall, just 30 cm below the door frame, was words made of metal '1825B'. This is his room, huh...? Vladimir nudged his head, "Go on. Knock for the Mad Hatter." I gulped down the lump blocking my throat and hesitantly knock the door. Vladimir stared at my hands trembling in fear and he held my hand which was reaching to knock. "Don't be afraid." My eyes look at him who was smiling genuinely. I nodded, a bit hesitant. Once he released my hand, I knocked the door and all the fear in my head descended down to my throat and to every parts of me. "Vivaldi...?" but nothing came in response. Vladimir's face tightened and he knocked. "Vivaldi?" He kept knocking, "Vivaldi?!" He yelled. Nothing came in response. "Alice, move back." I didn't dare question and moved as I was told. Vladimir rammed the door but it won't budge. He cursed, finally kicked the door down and the door flung open while the lock broke. "Vivaldi!!" He called out. We bolted in to look for him, separated and began opening doors. I violently pulled the knob of a certain door and saw what would be my horrors. My nightmares, they're coming alive. Vivaldi was there, lying down half naked in his original form on the bathroom's rough floor. He's coughing, breathing hard and desperately trying to turn to his back. I was glad there was a towel covering his lower body. I ran to his side and turn him around, placing his head on my laps. "V-vi-vivaldi? H-hey, Look at me, please." Something burned inside me and my chest felt a knot tied hard. "... L...little..... Lamb...," he whispered, struggling. "Don't talk," I pulled him closer and kissed him. He was weak and felt cold. My lips touched his coldness. It's my fault that he's in this state. He slightly jumped but then relaxes his muscles. A sudden force turned me around and my back came in contact with the hard floor. He pulled away from me and stared at my eyes. "... You came..." He breathed in, much more stabilized than the previous. "Yeah... I came." I stared at him back. His iris filled with lust. I've missed it. I've missed looking at his glorious and magnificent iris of mysteries. It flashed and glowed dimly. "Please don't let go of me." He pleaded, placing his head to my chest, pressing it. My heart beat again, free from the pain that had imprisoned me nearly to death. "Please tell me that you still love me." His voice faltered, hushed down. I placed my hands on his skull; his skull. "Please tell me you lied about loving me as a brother." He pulled away from my chest and I was surprised. He was crying. His tears trickled down his cheek bones and fell down to my chest. "Please tell me we're not just friends."

I stared at him, wiping his tears. "Vivaldi...," I smiled. This pain inside me had been washed away so simply. "Please... Please tell me you do. I want you. I really need you. I couldn't get you off my head. You're just – you're just everywhere in my messy head. You're tangled inside my head. You've become my daily dose of drugs. I – I can't think of anything else but you. I... I-," tears fell from his cheeks down to my chest like Niagara Falls. "Vivaldi." I called him, wiping his tears. My eyes burned but this wasn't as painful as before because I'm burning in happiness built inside me. "Please...," he begged me. "I still love you, wolf. You never fail steal my heart. Give me a hug, will you?" I smiled at him and he hugged me, tight enough, but not choking. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for all the cold actions I did, for my words that hurt you too much. I made you cry. I hurt you."

"Shhh...," my hands reached to his back and gently pat, "I'm all here. I'm here with you now."

A low whistle came and we both looked up. "Vivaldi, are you going to fuck her now?" Vladimir had his index finger thrust to the hole from his other hand shaping an OK. I blushed furiously and I realized something that probably stole my innocence away forever. He was naked. The towel wasn't tied to his waist. It was simply covering his ass and I saw his... Okay. Vivaldi growled, "Fuck off Vlad."

I screamed.

Vladimir and Vivaldi freaked out.

Knocks came over and over asking what happened and we had to give a lot of excuses and stuff.

*************2 hours later***************

I was lying on Vladimir's bed, reading a book while Vladimir read his newspaper. "... Hey, Alice," his voice replaced the silence lingering in this royal bed room. The walls were painted in maroon red with gothic patterns and a simple chandelier hangs on the middle of the room though the lights weren't coming from light bulb or electricity. It was from the candles. I wonder why the ceiling doesn't burn. "Yes?" I replied him though I haven't ripped my eyes away from my book. "... Your skin... it's all red. There are a lot of rashes and some are swollen." I shot my eyes to my arms and he was right. There are red rashes, swelling ones like mosquito bites. Vladimir looked at me, then his eyes opened wide, "When you ripped the demon's belly, did you came in contact with its blood?"
"Uh... yeah. But the blood evaporated quickly and I was back clean. It was really hot."
"...!" Vladimir looked very alerted — well, concerned — and pulled me by the wrist. "You...! You should have told me or him! H-how long has it b-... 8 exact hours!!! Oh Lord. Alice, strip." he joking? "Uh... strip as in...?" I cocked my head, tilting it to the side for I wasn't sure of what he implied. "Strip yourself naked." He demanded while he took an aid kit out under the bed. "What?! No!"

"Do it or I'll do it for you!"
"Vlady, No!!"
"Do not complain me, Alice." He pryed the kit open, taking a syringe and a small bottle with black substance inside. I stared at him, was freaking out. Vlad placed down the two items and pinned me down the bed. I squeaked in astonishment. "I am complaining! You're not going to strip me naked!!!!" Vladimir flipped me back and brought my hands behind. "VIVALDI, TOWEL!!!!"

Vivaldi came in like a wrecking baaaaaaaaaaaaall would. "YEAH? SUP?" He stared at what his cousin was doing. "Are you... fuc-"
"TOWEL, GOOD LORD, TOWEL. IT'S A DEMON POX." Vivaldi's face faltered and in a flash, he disappeared to somewhere. "VIVALDI, WHY ARE YOU TAKING HIS SIDE," I yelled in pain since my muscles were all tensed and tied up. Vladimir tied my hands to the back with his black glamorous necktie. "Quiet down, Alice!" He whined but I struggled like a fish out of water. Vladimir flipped me back again and then, he ripped my clothes with such strength like he was only tearing down a tissue and I let out a scream of terror having sex with horror. I'm naked I'm naked I'm naked I'm naked

God help me

I'm being tainted

Oh no

My skin were all scales. They're not red rashes but scales forming, poking out from inside my skin and I hadn't felt it.

What's happening to me?
I don't know.

I'm naked

I'm full of scales

God, help me.

What's happening?


Tbe continued.

It Was Night By Then (Vivaldi x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora