Chapter 7, Suspicions

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Let's just say, the three groups were suspicious about each other. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had a suspicion that Percy was a death eater because of his tattoo, none of them really checked to see if it was the dark mark or not. Danny and Jazz were also suspicious about Percy and Annabeth because of the aura of power around them that Danny could see. Percy and Annabeth were suspicious that something was up with Danny and Harry. Of course they had no real way of knowing what was up with each other except if they could read minds, to their credit the wizards/witches and halfa could probably read minds but by doing so would give themselves away. It had only been two days and tensions were already high. Ok maybe their personal tensions with people they knew personally were higher and in less time, but you have to admit tensions between the three groups were already pretty high.

"He has a bloody tattoo, he's got to be a bloody death eater!" exclaimed Harry.

"Now Harry, we have no way of knowing if this is true." said Hermione.

"You barely know him and you're standing up for him?!" exclaimed Ron.

"Ron please, if you think he'll go and take Hermione from you, you're wrong. He has a bloody girlfriend for crying out loud!" said Ginny as calmly as possible given the situation.

The four wizards/witches had no real way of knowing. Of course they could use legimancy, but that would give themselves away which was something they were trying to avoid. But the real question was, why didn't any of them actually check to see if the tattoo was a dark mark or not.

"Annabeth, I'm getting the feeling that my cousins, apart from Jazz, aren't exactly mortal."

"I know Perce. I get that feeling about them too, but they don't strike me as demigods either."

"That too, and not to mention that weird look Danny gives me and the fact his presence reminds me of the underworld does not help either."

"Yeah he does send off an underworld vibe, but in a different way."

"You don't think he could be Egyptian, could he?"

"No. While we only have limited knowledge on the Egyptians, he doesn't strike me as Egyptian either."

"Good point, but what about Harry and his friends. Somethings not right about them either."

"I honestly don't know about them either, it's possible they could be Egyptians or legacies of Hecate as they seem to have a presence that reminds me of the Hecate cabin."

"Probably not Egyptians, but yeah. The legacies of Hecate idea does seem to fit in well with them."

"If only we could know exactly for sure what it was about them, all of them."

"But for what we know, they aren't demigods and only Harry and his friends fit the legacy description. So where does that leave Danny?"

"That only leaves us one question: We don't know."

The two demigods weren't as suspicious as the wizards/witches for being "evil", but suspicious in the way that something was not right about Percy's cousins and Harry's friends. They had their own theories of what they could be, but that was it. They knew better than to jump to any conclusions, years of surviving as a demigod taught them that.

"Jazz there's definitely something odd about Percy, Harry, and their friends."

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious little bro."

"I know I know, but there's a lot to it."


"Well for starters, whenever I see Percy or his girlfriend Annabeth I see some 'aura' of power around them. It's not as strong on Annabeth, but the one on Percy makes him look like he's glowing."

"That's, not normal. You sure this isn't anything that has to do with ghosts?"

"If it were my ghost sense would have gone off and it doesn't look like any of them are overshadowed."


"That's not all, haven't you noticed some of the things Percy and Annabeth say to each other."

"The nicknames?"

"No not that, the other things they say like: 'oh my gods', 'oh styx', or 'what the hades'. Haven't you noticed a trend in them?"

"Now that you say it, yeah there is something peculiar about it. And those phrases have one big thing in common, they have something to do with Greek mythology."

"I know right? Somethings definitely not right with them."

"Yeah, but you mentioned something not being normal about Harry and his friends either."

"It's not as obvious as Percy and Annabeth's but if you examine their behavior closely you can tell that something's not normal about them either."

"I know. First I know that they have a British accent, but I don't things like 'Merlin's beard' are English slang."

"And that's not all, haven't you seen how Harry's friends Ron and Ginny act. They act as though they're both uncomfortable here."

"And again now that you mention it, that is true."

"I don't know if this is a coincidence, but all of them seem to be skipping over parts like they're hiding something when they talk."

"You do the same thing."

"Ok fine you got me there, but that only seems to make things more suspicious."

Like the demigods, the half-ghost and his older sister didn't jump immediately to conclusions they knew better than that. Of course with Danny's ghost powers finding evidence to support their personal theories was quite easier than the other two groups. But even with evidence, they still couldn't exactly pinpoint what was up between the two groups.

Mr. and Mrs. Fenton were pretty much aware of the tension between the three groups. Truth be told they actually saw a lot of Danny in his oldest cousin. While sure he looked a great deal like all his cousins, Percy just seemed to remind them more of their son than Harry. And considering he seemed to be hiding something like Danny had been before they knew about his ghost powers and alter ego, it only made them wonder about Sally's son. It even made them wonder if Sally knew about it or if he was hiding it from Sally like Danny had his powers from them. On the topic of Harry, the boy seemed unusual. Fact was he and his friends did seem unusual. Jack had of course gone with the 'they were being overshadowed by a ghost' and Maddie seemed to buy it, but Danny had unfortunately for them disproved that theory. In a sense Maddie had actually forgotten about Lily being a witch, and since she didn't remember it she didn't count it as something that could have passed on to Harry.

Sally and Paul both had their suspicions about Danny, Harry, and Harry's friends. They had considered the idea of them being demigods, but only to have the theory crushed by Percy and Annabeth. Both were also aware if the tension and knew it had to be the suspicions the three groups had against each other.

Alas none of the groups could know for sure what the truth was for the other. The wizards/witches main concern was the demigods, specifically Percy so they let Danny and Annabeth slip under their radar. The other groups well you know, they focused more on the bigger picture than just one individually. No group could really know for sure and thus no theories could be proved, until the other was caught red handed.

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