Chapter 6, Tartarus Dreams

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The night was as calm as it could get in New York. To put it simple it was calm and noisy. And people liked it that way. Of course something had to disrupt the surreal-ness of it all.

That thing was a scream of a certain eighteen year old boy.

And it happened to awaken the inhabitants of the apartment he was in, a few surrounding apartments, and the Fenton RV which was parked outside the building.

"Blofis control that boy of yours!"

"I swear he does this every month, please tell him to shut the hell up!"

"Is Percy alright?"

Was he alright, not at all. You see one of the hardships Percy faced was well falling into the eternal pit of darkness and evil itself, Tartarus. You may be more familiar with the name Christians have given it, hell. He and his girlfriend Annabeth had fallen in during the Second Giant War the previous year. They only barely made it out alive. But one can-not simply come out of Tartarus alive and not have side-affects. Every month they had a "Tartarus Dream" as they called it. Their friend Nico had them too as he had also trudged through the pit of darkness as well. These dreams were non-preventable and most certainly permanent. No matter how hard they tried, those dreams could never go away. When Percy had come home after the war, he told his mom and Paul about the dreams. Sally being a good mother had freaked out over hearing about these dreams. Paul being a good step father and husband was too freaked out, but there to comfort both of them. Now back to the story.

Maddie Fenton was the one to ask if Percy was alright. His screaming had woken them all up, even Danny who could sleep through anything. Upon hearing it, they all went straight up to Sally's apartment where Paul once again let them in. Everyone in the small apartment was awake. Everyone had also looked like they just went through a tornado as well.

The ones who didn't look so bad were Danny and Harry as they both normally wore their hair messy.

Annabeth and Sally weren't in the living room of the apartment as assumed by most of the guests and Paul. Those two were in Percy's bedroom trying to get him to calm down. Danny having better hearing than a normal human could hear them talk, but he could only make out so much of what was being said.

"Percy calm down, we aren't there anymore."

"Please calm down. You're worrying me and everyone."

Those were the two clearest statements he could hear. What was that place that he could only assume Annabeth had said. Danny could only wonder. But for a fact he knew that whatever that place was, it must have been traumatizing. And to his credit yes that place was traumatizing, far more than he or anyone who had never been there could ever know.

It was about ten maybe fifteen or twenty minuets before Percy had stopped screaming and woken up. Sally walked out of the room as calmly as possible.

"Is something wrong with Percy? Is he alright?" asked Maddie.

"He was having a bad dream, he gets them every once in a while."

Sally's answer was reasonable, but didn't exactly account for his extremely loud screaming.

"What about the screaming?"

"He was having a really vivid one."

Again her answer was reasonable. But you could tell she was purposely leaving details out, but why? Why would she lie to her own sister, her own family? Ok sure Maddie may have done the same thing when she talked about Danny, but it was not like Percy had similar problems to that of her own son. Or did he?

Back in Percy's room, he and Annabeth were sitting on his bed, hands held, and talking.

"I'm glad you were here when I had mine Annabeth."

"It's the least we can do to make them tolerable."

"I just wish we'd have more of a warning when they'd happen."

"I know, but at least our parents and everyone at camp knows about them so they can help us get through them."

Percy's thoughts started to drift off to the dream he had the day before. It was really cryptic especially when that guy started asking him to join. Come to think about it, he didn't stick around long enough in the dream to find out who it was.

"Perce? You ok?"

Annabeth's words brought him back to reality.

"I was thinking about the dream I had last night, I feel like I should tell you about it."

And tell her about it he did. It wasn't much to tell her, but it seemed important he did. When he was done telling her she seemed worried.

"I don't like the sound of that Percy."

"I know, neither do I."

"Let's just hope it's a bad dream."

"We're demigods, we don't have normal bad dreams."

"I know, but we can hope."

Percy smiled.

"Yeah, we can."

this chapter was supposed to be out yesterday but my computer was acting like as a friend would call it, a butt :P but hey its out now so I hope you enjoyed

-cat out!

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