Chapter 5, The Three Meet

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After two days of driving the Fenton's finally made it to Sally's apartment in NYC. Along the way they had stopped to rest for the night, took some breaks to eat, and stretch their legs or fly in Danny's case. They now stood before the door to enter Sally's apartment. Maddie knocked on the door. Soon a man with glasses and salt and pepper hair answered.

"Hello, I'm Maddie Fenton and this is my Husband Jack and my children Jazz and Danny. I think you're expecting us?"

"Ah, hello Ms. Fenton. I'm Paul Blowfis, Sally's husband and yes we've been expecting you for a few days now. Why don't you come in." said Paul as he gestured the Fenton's into the apartment.

The apartment was small, but cozy.

"Sally, your sister is here!"


Sally came out of the kitchen in a blue striped blouse, jeans, and an apron.



The two exclaimed in cheers of joy then hugged.

"Oh it's been too long!"

"I'd have called sooner except I was busy raising two wonderful children."

"MOM!" exclaimed Jazz and Danny.

"Speaking of children where is that boy of yours Percy? I haven't seen him since he was three." asked Maddie.

"He'll be here any moment, and he's bringing someone he'd like to introduce to you guys."

"Really? I wonder who it is?"

"I have an idea, but he wants it to be a surprise for when he comes."

"That makes me even more curious, but I'll to wait and see when he gets here."

"Ok, now why don't you and your family take a seat on the couch, I'll grab the cookies I had baking." said Sally and she went into the kitchen and emerged with a plate of warm blue chocolate-chip cookies.

Danny's eyes widened when he saw the cookies.

"Um is it just me or are those cookies blue?" he whispered to Jazz.

"Same here little brother, they look the same to me." she whispered back.

The cookies they had found out were, pretty good. Sally was telling them stories about Percy growing up, by the way she was talking you could tell she wasn't telling the whole truth. Then she introduced them to her daughter, Andromeda Lily Jackson. The little girl was so cute, no one not even Danny could resist doting over her. Then it was Maddie's turn to tell stories and she told Sally and Paul about the many ghosts that invaded Amity Park, excluding Danny of course. Soon they'd spent a couple hours chatting over how their lives had gone the past couple of years.

In the midst of a conversation they heard a knock on the door.

"Mom, I'm home and I've got someone with me."

"Come in Perce, your relatives are here!"

Then the door opened and in walked Percy, a smile on his face. Jazz and Danny were shocked that they had gotten their mental image of him incorrect. They'd thought he'd look like and older Danny, by their credit he did look like he could be an older Danny. He was tall, muscular, had a tan, windswept black hair, and sea-green eyes that you could see the ocean in. Maddie and Jack were surprised at how much Percy had grown since they'd last seen him. But Danny saw one other thing, he saw an aura around Percy that radiated power. It made him wonder why that was there.

"Hello, I'm Percy. Nice to meet ya. I have someone I'd like you guys to meet, mom, Paul, I think you know who I'm talking about." said Percy and in walked a tall and muscular girl with blond hair that fell down in princess curls, stormy grey eyes that seemed to calculate your every move, and a tan. Both of them wore similar outfits and had shirts on that said,

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