Chapter 8- to love or not to love

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Elizabeth thought about Cam and their relationship. Can would always flirt with Luce even though she was Daniel's soulmate. He would still do it even when Elizabeth told him how much it hurt her to see him flirt with other girls making her feel like she wasn't good enough for him. Cam would kiss her and reassure him that he wouldn't do it again. And he wouldn't until the next day. One day Elizabeth got so fed up with it she left and eventually came back, and now here we are but so much has changed since she left Cam turning into a demon was one of them. Arianne called her name one more time making Elizabeth snap out of her thoughts. She still didn't know if she was still in love with Cam.

Fed up Arianne went to see what she was looking at. "Eliza, that's ....."

"Me and Cam." They sat down again. "Is it bad that I miss him." Her eyes were big and watery, the tears threatening to spill out at any moment. Arianne shook her head. "You still love him" It wasn't a question, it was a statement.Moments passed and Elizabeth was still thinking. She was thinking about all the memories and moments they shared. Soon she came to her decision. "I am still in love with him."

It was silent for a minute until then they heard "ROLAND GET AWAY FROM ME!" they completely forgot Roland was chasing Daniel.

"But I love you!!" he yelled with his voice bouncing off the walls.

"Roland, it's over." Arianne yelled back. Daniel and Roland came toward them, Daniel tried keeping as much distance from Roland as possible. "You ruined everything" Roland whined like a five year old to Arianne. She flipped her hair and said "I try" in response. Elizabeth slipped the photo back into the sketchbook before giving it back to Daniel. Just then two figures walked into the library, it was Cam and Luce.

Cam's eyes searched the room looking for her, looking for his other half. He finally found her. She started to walk away but took one look at his eyes, they were pleading. "I need to talk to you" There was no way she was getting out of this. Sighing she nodded and walked outside.

She looked at his face. It showed love, confusion and guilt. "What is he hiding?" she thought to herself.

"What happened?" Elizabeth almost laughed. "You don't have to ask me what happened, you already know." Cam stood there aghast. His eyes went from shocked back to pleading. His voice was begging when he said "I need you to say it." His voice was just above a whisper.

"I..You kept flirting with Luce and I couldn't take it anymore. Everyday I told you and you would brush me off and you promised." She looked up from the spot in the ground she was staring at. Cam saw tears in the corners of her eyes. Her vision clouded and tears began to fall silently. Her voice cracked but nevertheless she continued. "You told me you loved me but kept going back." Cam couldn't stand her crying anymore. He brushed her tears away and pulled her closer to him. He kissed the top of her head, his face buried in his hair.

"Don't say that. Don't ever say that. I love you and only you" Elizabeth despite how much she missed his affections thought there was something wrong. She pulled away. "no"

"No?" Cam repeated confused.

"Your hiding something from me." Cam sighed "Its for your own good," then he pulled her closer to him one more time but again she pulled away.

"I can't do this Cam."

"Do what?"He had a confused look on his face.

"Don't comfort me then go back to her. We can all clearly tell he loves Daniel and he loves her." Cam was starting to become angry why couldn't she see how he loved her.

"Why are you so jealous!" he practically yelled. Elizabeth closed her eyes and replied "Because I love you." Cam was shocked. "I love you Cameron Briel." She turned to walk back to the library with tears in her eyes and leaving Cam shocked. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that she loved him too.

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