Chapter 2- the reason

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The room was silent for a while until Gabbe spoke up. "Where did you go?" Sighing she said "England." Another awkward silence filled the air. "Why?" Molly asked growing impatient. "Because"She was cut off again by a knock on the door. The person knocked then entered without waiting for a response. "Molly, Gabs there's a party at Cam's dorm in 20 minutes". Eliza recognized him as Roland. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on Elizabeth. "Well, well, well, you guys didn't tell me about your new friend." He smiled at her and kissed her hand. Before he could do anything else, Molly said "Its Eliza." Roland got up quickly in embarrassment. "Yeah....i knew that" Elizabeth laughed. "Hey Roland"

"When did you come back?" his tone was serious. "Yesterday" Gabbe and Molly said together. "Now tell us about where you left" Roland got up, "I sense a girl talk, so i'll leave but remember to come to the party, even you Eliza. Cam would really want to see you." "ROLAND!" Molly yelled. "She doesn't know about the thing." A looked passed between the 3 of them leaving Elizabeth confused. "What happened when I was gone?" Nobody answered her. Roland looked at his watch, "Oh look I have to get to the party." Then he walked out of the room fast. Gabbe looked at her watch as well. "We better get going, it stars in 5 minutes."

"Don't change the subject, tell me what happened." Molly and Gabbe shared a look then said "He's not an angel anymore." Elizabeth started chocking, finding it harder to breathe. Finally she managed to say "When?"

They shared another look, this time Gabbe spoke, her voice full of sadness when she said "After you left"

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