Chapter 7-what happens in the library

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Meanwhile at the library, Elizabeth, Arianne, and Roland were in a corner laughing at Elizabeth's impression of Cam. "Do-do it again" Roland said in between laughs. Elizabeth smirked and put on her "Cam" face, making fun if his smirk.

"I love you Elizabeth" she said in a really bad deep voice. She ended up going high pitched because she was laughing so hard. She was laughing on the outside, but in the inside her guilt was almost unbearable. When she finished her impression they were laughing all over again. Once they finished (which wasn't for a long time) , they decided to play truth or dare.

"Sooooooooo Roland" she paused. "Truth or Dare" Elizabeth continued.

"Dare" he replied deviously. Arianne and Luce glanced at each other smirking. "Profess your 'love' to Daniel" they said at the same time. Arianne pointed at at Daniel drawing a couple of tables away. Roland nodded, the devious look still on his face. The girls watched Roland get up and move towards Daniel. They moved to closer to watch the "action" unfold.

"Hey Daniel" Daniel looked up to see Roland get on one knee and say. "Daniel I love you, let's run away together" Daniel's eyes were as big as Cam's ego. (i'll let you guess how big that is.) Roland grabbed Daniel's arm. "Baby lets get out of here" Daniel punched Roland on the arm. "What the hell Roland!" Daniel got his things and started walking towards Elizabeth and Arianne who were clutching their stomachs from laughter. "Come back!" Roland yelled. Daniel was glad that the library was almost empty. When he heard Roland he started walking faster. "I LOVE YOU!" Roland shouted running after Daniel, who dropped all his stuff and started running for his life. The girls couldn't hold it in anymore they were howling from laughter. They felt as though they were going to break a rib from laughing. 10 minutes later, they finally managed to calm down slightly but Roland was still chasing Daniel. "Baby come back!" Elizabeth grabbed Daniel's drawing materials. When she picked up a sketchbook a paper fell out. As soon as she picked it up she gasped. It was a drawing of Elizabeth and Cam. Cam was carrying her bridal style. They were staring into each others eyes. Her hair was longer but most importantly they were happy and in love. She flipped the paper over and saw a photograph of it. It was dated January 18, 1886. "A day before he had to leave." she thought.

"Eliza?" Arianne asked. "You've been standing there for 5 minutes, are you ok?"Elizabeth froze. She stared at the picture with one question coming back to her mind. "Do I still love Cam?"

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