He walked over and looked out the window before turning back around quickly,"Get down!" He yelled.

You nervously froze.

What was going on?

Bucky ran over and pulled you down just as there was a loud crashing sound and something whizzed past your head.

The noise stopped for a second and then more things flew into the house.

Bucky pulled you over into the pantry and huddled over you on the floor.

He held you close to his large chest as you shook in fear.

You were gonna die. This is it. This is the day you die.

You absentmindedly clutched the front of Bucky's shirt.

A few minutes later the noises completely stopped.

"Penelope, are you okay?"

You looked up at him wide eyed and just nodded.

"Okay. I have to go out there. I need you to let me go."

You shook your head furiously.
"No. What if someone is out there? They'll hurt you Bucky."

"If someone is out there they're coming for you. I won't let them even get close. I need to go."

You reluctantly let go of his shirt and crawled further into the pantry as he left and closed the door behind him.

The apartment was silent except for the sounds of movement.

A little bit later the pantry door opened.

It was Bucky.

"No one's here." He informed and reached his hand out for you.

You took his hand and he pulled you out.
"I need to carry you, there's a bunch of broken glass everywhere." He informed.

He leaned down and scooped you up and carried you out to your bedroom.

He placed you on the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

You looked around him to the mess in the other room.

You bit your bottom lip to prevent yourself from crying.

You looked back up at Bucky who was eyeing you carefully.

"Penny?" He walked towards you.

You were speechless and completely shaken up.

You didn't know what to say.

All the windows were broken and some of the furniture was ruined and the bricks left some holes in the walls.

You felt like you were going to pass out.

Your breath hitched.

"Penelope. I don't want to rush you but I think we should get out of here. Sleep somewhere else for a few nights. Somewhere safe." Bucky said firmly.
"Pack a bag with some clothes and things and we'll get a hotel."

You half heartedly nodded and packed like Bucky said.

Ten minutes later you were driving to a hotel Steve suggested.

Being Captain America gets you a lot of things but unfortunately not a room with more than one bed in this case.

You checked into the hotel while Bucky waited for you to sneak him in the back.

Once inside he carried the luggage to the room.

The room had a small couch way too little for Bucky to sleep on. There was a tv, a fridge,lamps and nightstands and the large bed in the middle.

You hopped in the shower and cried as you washed up.

You dried off and got dressed.

Bucky was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was on the phone and shirtless.

Your heart stopped when you saw him.
He noticed you standing there and gave you a smile.

You returned the smile and looked away.

It was hard to tear your eyes off of him.

You placed your clothes in a bag in the closet and sat on the bed next to Bucky.

He soon hung up the phone and looked over at you.

"That was Steve. He's gonna stand watch the apartment and make sure no one comes back and if they do he'll get them."

You silently nodded.

"Penelope. You haven't said a word."

You sighed,"What do I say Buck? My house-" your voice cracked and you stopped.

Don't cry.

"My house is destroyed. It isn't even safe to stay there. I'm scared Bucky."
You finally looked up at him.

He placed his hand on your cheek and wiped a tear you didn't know had fallen.

"I swear on my life Penny. I'd rather die then let you get hurt. You're safe with me. I'll protect you doll. Always."

You leaned into him with your eyes focused on his lips.

Before you could kiss him he placed a finger to your mouth.

You pulled away with embarrassment.

"As much as I would love for you to kiss me I can't let you. You're emotional and vulnerable right now. I'm being supportive and protective you think this is what you want because I'm being nice. You're doing it for the wrong reason." He stood up. "When we kiss for the first time I dont want there to be any doubts after."

He winked and walked off to the bathroom leaving you breathless and wanting him more.

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