"It's my house. I look where ever I feel like it" he shrugs. "Just like you do what you want with Faith?.. because she belongs to you right?" I say with an attitude referring to the comment he said last time I was here.

"Exactly" he smiles at me through pursed lips. Im about to speak when Faith comes back. "Everything ok now?" I ask "fine" she coldly replies. "I don't know why you two have such a problem with me your the one's that stole my child and..."

I'm cut off when Michael's phone starts ringing. "Hours up" he says getting up from his seat. "You actually timed me?" I frown "courts said one hour and we gave you one hour" he shrugs, taking the baby from me. "Well mommy will be seeing you soon" I smile through pursed lips, looking at the baby. "Of course she will.. Faith's her mommy and she sees her everyday" he says with an attitude. "For now. After the court..."

"She'll still be here with us after the court's over.. and you won't" Faith smirks and I'm about to speak when she cuts me off. "Hours over. You can leave now" she shrugs and I turn and leave.

Once I leave get back into my car and drive a small distance from the house then pull over to check my phone and smile to myself, seeing the different cameras that I managed to sneak in and plant around the house.

As I'm watching I listen to Michael talking. "Are you still sure you wanna do this?" He asks Faith and she doesn't reply and sits on the sofa taking out her phone and Michael looks at confused as do I when Michael's phone beeps and the two of them clearly start texting one another even though their both standing in the same room.

"Bill!?" Michael suddenly shouts and one of his security guards walks in and Michael types something on his phone and the guy nods.

"What the fuck are they doing?" I frown, shaking my head confused and watch as the three of them walk around the living room then suddenly the camera I managed to hide when they weren't looking goes blank. Then a few moments later they go into the kitchen and the same thing happened.

"What the fuck is wrong with this stupid thing!?" I frown, hitting the back of my phone. I go to the next camera and the same thing happens then after the last camera goes blank I receive a text message.

From: Faith

Thanks for the gifts, but we already have plenty of security cameras around our house. :P

Faith's POV

We get to this Emily woman's house and after Dave and Pitt check her over and look inside they give us the all clear to come inside.

"You two got a little paranoia?" She chuckles slightly and takes a seat. "Do you blame us?" Michael asks "not really" she shrugs pouring herself a glass of whisky. "You two drink?"

"We're fine. What was with the letter?" Michael asks getting straight to the point. "Well if I'd have just walked over, you probably wouldn't have given me the time of day or believed me. You were a baby last time you saw me and wouldn't recognize me" she turns to me.

"What would you expect? you disown my mom for having me then just randomly show up and leave a note? You don't think that's a little weird?" I frown "It's also weird to fuck your uncle, but you don't see me judging" she shrugs. "Ok we're leaving" Michael says, getting up. "No please?" She says getting up and Pitt moves in front of her and Michael. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. Please? It's really important you hear me out" She asks an Michael sits back down and she sits back in the chair opposite us.

"I never disowned you or Julie. She just tells everybody that"

"So why haven't you been around of your supposedly my grandmother?" I shrug "I am and I even have proof I'm Julie's mother" she says showing me some papers and stuff of my mom's birth certificate and photo's of the two of them when she was a kid. "So what happend then? Did you two have a fight or something?" Michael asks "I wish it was that simple" she sighs heavily. "Julie isn't the person people think she is. That woman is pure evil and manipulative she had me put in a hospital and made everybody believe I was crazy, when I wasn't. I was just trying to protect you"

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