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It would be a busy month ahead of me with still one noble to go. I had a fair guess of where he might be but it would be a hard fight. The loss of a loved one can make people do stupid reckless things. It can make them unpredictable. For a Noble to lose a child when they spent so many years watching them grow it must be heart breaking.

I had arrived at my lab only a few hours ago after the long three day trip. I hated having to waste time going slow but if I pushed myself now then I would be in no condition to fight. My master was right. I would need to be able to sleep for a large block of time to heal. Already that trip had left me feeling like I was burning from the inside out.

I set off for a trip to the blacksmith in the village after changing my clothes into something more human like. I would need to get some more metal to make some cuffs after leaving my set in Lukedonia. The village was nothing great. Just a bunch of humans and animals in rundown little houses.

The villagers turned there gaze from me as I entered town. It must be human instinct picking up on the dark spear as all humans treated me the same way. I didn't bother to look at anyone but still my eyes fell on a young boy sitting near a shop looking to be begging for food. Humans were to greedy even to their young. I glanced in the window of the shop were the boy was to see bread and other baked things. I went in and purchased what ever caught my eye. The owner looked at me wearily before accepting the coins.

I Left and stopped then looked at the boy
"Sir can you spare some"
"I was going to offer you some coins to help me carry this back to my house"
"Yes I can help sir"
"Good now come along"

He followed somewhat unsure as I did not pass him anything. My house was at the edge of town. I only owned it so I would not seem as bad that I entered the village every few weeks.

"Boy, would you get the door"

He ran to get the door and I laughed. It was nice to see a child still full of life, even if he has been struggling. I swept into the house glad it wasn't that dusty thanks to the wolf who lived here a few months ago.

"Now boy where are your parents"
His eyes filled with tears but he spoke.
"They past last winter sir"
"I am sorry to hear that. You can stay here from now on"
"I couldn't sir"
"I have to leave town soon as a friend is unwell, It would be good of you to tend to the house while I'm gone"
"Are you sure sir"
"Yes, now the garden is overgrown as I have been away so why don't you eat and then we can get started on that first"

I spent the next week teaching him how to tend to the garden. What plants he could eat and how to make different meals. I even showed him how to set traps to catch any critters coming to snack on the garden. I had shown him how to skin a rabbit so he could trade the furs for coins or other things he needed.

I had made my house so there would be little he would need from the people in town but it would be good for him to still go there from time to time.

"Boy I am off now so here is some coins to use on the house, remember to only use them when you really need to"
I put a bag of coins in the draw under the table.
"Yes sir, have a safe trip"
"I will and remember there are some large fur blankets in the chest for winter"
"Will do sir"

I left then heading to the blacksmith at last. Once there I past him some coins for what I needed and left back to my lab. I would need to get to work on these and then get some rest.

It had taken me two days to make what I needed and another two to recover enough to make the trip. I was weighted down with the drugs and the chains. I had carried them last time but I could feel the strain more this time. I wondered if my master felt like this during his fight with Muzaka. I travelled at a little faster then human pace which turned the four day trip into an eight day trip. With out my masters seal it was easier to use my power but without it. It was hard to keep it in check after its rapid growth.

Fallen Angel ( Noblesse )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora