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I had spent most of the last month getting this place ready for when I found Muzaka and trying to sleep as much as possible to let my body adjust to the new strength of the Dark Spear. I Could only get about an hour at most and it was starting to piss me off. This was why I was sure the Dark spear was female with its bitch fits it was having. I wondered what it would think a Muzaka's presence being around all the time. Just thinking his name made me laugh. He was going to be in for the time of his life with the drug I had made for him. I would have so much black mailing material to tell my Master.

I was as ready as I could be, with the Dark spear showed no sign of behaving any time soon. I left my lab making sure the door looked no different from the rest of the mountain. From the info I had received last week, the elders had all been called to a meeting so the lab where Muzaka was being kept should be an easy hit. It would take four days travel to get there and I would have to stick away from humans as I would be travelling at non-human speed and I wouldn't be able to risk sleeping out in the open as I was a danger to my own kind now. Not that I hadn't been when I first joined my Master but even more so.

I wondered if I could trust someone who hurt my master to watch over me. I would have to wait and see.

On the third day I arrived at my destination. As I was hoping not to attract attention so I waited till someone showed up at their hide out before sneaking in after them. Not just anyone I realised as I followed them but a noble, wasn't that Roctis daughter. I had heard she liked experimenting with people but to be working at a lab what a joke. How dare a noble join in my profession. Now it made sense why such a calm noble such as Roctis would join those traitors if it was for his daughter.

I struck before she saw me, I couldn't wast time on trash like her. summoning the dark spear and stabbing it thought her. It was a disgrace for a powerful being to experiment on those weaker then them.

"What, who"

She didn't say anything more than that as the Dark spear took over her. There was no point keeping her around as I did not experiment on others anymore and that would be the only thing I would use her for. I felt the Dark Spear bite into my had as I grabbed it. Dam it would take months to get it back under control.

I could feel Muzaka power even though it was hidden well. It took me no time to dispatch the human guards and find him. He was in a large tank in quite an ok lab. For people who had such power there lab was a bit lacking. It was almost as good as my make shift one in the mountains. He looked to be in bad shape as there where chunks of flesh missing from him. I took the steps up and reached in with careful hands and pulled him to the top. Grabbing his arm I pulled one of the needles I had brought and shoved it into his arm.

I climbed down wanting to give it time to work before I pulled him out. I glance through their research papers finding nothing that I didn't know apart from Muzaka stats. His recovery speed was slowed down by the strong drugs they had to keep giving him to keep him under but once those wore off I should be able to help him with any other problems.

Finishing my search I grabbed him from the tank and dried him off with some rags I had found, before using my power to clothe him in loose pants and a shirt. I had always had a taste for noble clothes over the silly frilly clothes humans chose to wear. I slung him over my left shoulder and set off. It still surprised me how dense werewolves were, even one that had not used its strength in hundreds of years. Maybe it was because they where so air headed that there bodies had to have such muscle tone.

I didn't get back till night time on the fourth day as I had to be careful with the dark spears power. That last Noble had thrown the balance to sitting on a knifes edge. I set Muzaka down on the bed I had made for him before going to my desk and grabbing my equipment. I would take some samples so I could start while waiting for him to wake up. I drew some blood so I could check for any other toxics I had missed in their notes. First I would work on healing him and then I could work on a drug for his anger management.

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