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I didn't let myself drift all they way out but just let my body relax. I let my mind focus on our breathing and passed the hours away. I felt better for it if only a little when I turned back to him. When our eyes met he stood and stumbled back to the bed.

"Are you more sane than me yet"
"Hard not to be"
"True, no one has masted it like I have"
"Do you really think it was one of my kind"
"Humans would go after villages full of people over trudging across a mountain just for a few people here and there"
"Your kind is very barbaric"

"So what first"
"First we get you all fixed up then we can go where you fought my Master and follow his most likely path from there back"

"Tell me about what you have been up to"
"For the last 25 years or so I have been finding out about union and killing any of the six, no seven now noble traitors I have come across. Three of which are dead now"
"To be putting you in the trouble you're in they must have been high ranking"

I felt myself smirk at that and heard my laughter.
"They were quite easy. I know the werewolves are going to laugh there asses off when they find out that a human is going around killing family leaders. Well one was the daughter of one but that still makes two so far"
"Why would you be killing family leaders even if they did go rouge"

My power spiked at the reminder.
"They are working with you wolves and were part of the reason my Master is missing. When I find them, I will make them wish my master had sent them into eternal sleep"

Laughing made me feel better, even as it made me more exhausted.
"Is that why your power is so wild right now"
"Yes. My baby took a liking to there souls, now they can keep each other company for eternity"
"Didn't your master seal your power"

I froze as guilt hitting me. My master had but this was for my master. I had to keep reminding myself that.
"Yes and I will accept whatever punishment my master gives me once he has returned"
"You are so much like a whipped dog"
"I'm more wolf like then dog"
"Really now"

He looked me up and down.
"You still seam human to me"

I walked to my desk, picking up my knife and headed over to the bed, I held out my left arm. With a quick motion I draw a line across. Instead of gasping he looked closer as it sealed its self before his eyes.

"You really are the most amazing human"
"It only took me a year to get it this perfect. I think it could have been better if you were my sample I had to work with"

I felt his rage but I couldn't work out why.
"You used one of my people for your experiments"

I rased my eye.
"No my Master forbidden that, so I stole samples the union had"
He calmed after it clicked.

I organised a helping of the stew and past one to him.
"I'll need to take some more blood but after that you might want to rest and let your body recover. I'll work on fixing whatever I find"

He nodded and held out his arm. Placing my own bowel on my desk I took a few vials and filled them with his blood before putting them away. It was quiet as we ate and it wasn't till Muzaka laid down that he spoke.

"Frankenstein why are you helping the person who hurt your Master"
"You're my Masters only friend and I wouldn't want to hurt my Master by letting you stay sick when I could of helped"
"You know you're not as bad as the family leaders used to say"

It fell quiet after that as he slept.

He didn't wake till late the next day and by the time he had I had made a counter to all of the toxins he was still fighting off. They had really done a number on him. I had never treated a test subject like this.

Fallen Angel ( Noblesse )Where stories live. Discover now