Chapter 16- Kisses and Cat Fights

Start from the beginning

'Oh and then we kissed.' Cole said quickly.

'Aw, did we?' I sighed. 'Wait what?!' I cried as my eyes widened.

'Well, when I say we, I mean you kissed me and I pushed you away.' Cole nodded to himself.

'Are you being serious?' I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

To which Cole smirked and nodded in reply.

'No, I would never do that!' I shouted as I crossed my arms.

'Drunk you did it though.' Cole smirked before he turned his body to face my way. 'Does sober you wanna do it?'

Cole leaned in as he smirked, our faces a few centimeters away from each other. My breathe hitched slightly as my eyes traced Cole's face, his eyes were more green than blue and his fluffy hair was flopping down over his forehead.

'Anyone else left?!' Derik's voice echoed  in the hallway, Cole and I quickly pulled away as we turned our heads to the doorway.

'Guys, can you get out now, my mum will be back in 5 minutes.' Derik sighed as he looked down at us on the sofa.

'Um, yeah sure.' I said quickly as I jumped up off the sofa, Cole copying my actions.

'Sick party Der.' Cole punched Derik's shoulder as we made our way to the front door.

'Safe bro. Aye, we proper scared them boys off didn't we?' Derik laughed a high pitch laugh.

'Yeah, they were a bunch of pussies.' Cole replied as he walked out of the door.

'Yeah mate, right see you round.' Derik grinned before he slammed the door behind us.

'Where's your car?' I asked as I walked slowly down the path.

'My car? Where's your car?' Cole frowned.

'I didn't take my car last night, I got a lift from Gee.' I replied as I raised an eyebrow.

'I got a lift from Alex last night.' Cole sighed.

'I can call a taxi.' I said quickly as I smiled.

'Do you have money?' Cole asked as he  rummaged in his jean pocket.

'Ugh, no.' I sighed. 'Do you?' I asked raising an eyebrow.

'Nope.'  He replied bluntly.

'I'll ring my mum or someone.' I sighed as I pulled out my phone.

'Ughh.' I groaned as I looked at the screen. Dead. Typical.

'Do you have your phone?' I asked him as I folded my arms.

'Nope, I don't take it to parties.' Cole smiled a weird smile before he said, 'Let's just walk.'

'I can't walk all the way to my house in these!' I sighed in frustration as I gestured toward my heels.

'Let's go to my house, it's closer.' Cole said quickly, his voice still groggy.

'I can't walk in these, I already have blisters!' I groaned as I sat on the edge of the pavement.

'Ew.' Cole winced as he sat down next to me.

'My head is pounding.' I moaned as I rested my head on Cole's shoulder.

'Aw, someone's feeling sorry for themselves today.' Cole cooed.

'Shut up.' I mumbled.

'Jump on my back.' Cole stretched his arms above his head before he jumped up to standing.

'Why?' I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

'Because I want to go home and I don't want to leave you here, poor helpless you with a dead phone and blistered feet.' Cole pouted dramatically.

'Mm.' I replied bluntly, too tired to think of a comeback.

'Jump on then.' Cole sighed in a high pitch voice. To which I quickly stood up and jumped onto his back. Cole tensed slightly as I did so, his neck was warm and soft as my arms wrapped around it.

'Thanks.' I mumbled, my head resting on his shoulder.

'Hm.' Cole replied as he started to walk down the path, me bobbing up and down with every step he took.

'Do you want to go for that meal?' Cole asked.

'That meal?' I asked as I held on tighter.

'Yeah, me, you, meal.' Cole scoffed.

'Aw, you want to go now, do you?' I asked, my voice sarcastic.

'If you want to, yeah.' Cole replied, I could tell he was smirking.

'It's not really us though, is it?' I said quickly.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Cole asked.

'Well, me and you, we're not really the type to go for a meal, if you know what I mean. Maybe we should go to the Christmas fair.' I suggested.

'Christmas fair sounds good.' Cole said, sounding happy.

'Christmas fair it is then, but after I've changed and took some tablets for my head.' I smiled to myself.

'Sorted.' Cole grinned.

'Sorted.' I sighed happily as I closed my eyes.

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