Year 23: The Meadow

Beginne am Anfang

"Cassie, I want you to paint me a picture." Castiel knew Dean didn't mean it in the literal sense, though Castiel was quite the artist. He was perfectly equipped to paint a picture for Dean. "Keep it in your head, of how this makes you feel." Dean pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to Castiel. Dean was quite a writer, and it made Castiel love him even more. Dean was always one of many words on paper, but none spoken, so when Castiel opened the paper, he wasn't surprised that it was a poem.

I don't think I knew what love was until I met you
It's something dark, but so pure
Love is more than valentines cards or flowers on dates
Love is a pact
Love is a promise
Love is a commitment,
Life long,
No take backs
Take it or leave it.

My love, commitment was another word I was afraid of
I was afraid of tying myself down
I was afraid of limiting myself
I was afraid of holding you back
Until I realized
Fear is the first step

My love, fear became so strong, that it began to blend in, and I began to feel the excitement
I was excited when you accepted me
I was excited when you looked at me
I was excited when you danced with me, so kind, so gentle.

My love, you were so strong back then
Broken jaws
Broken noses
Broken hearts

But now they leave you scarred.

My love, I want to keep you happy
I want to keep you alright

My love, I want your love, and nothing else
I don't want your help,
Not unless I ask

My love, this is my commitment to keep myself safe so you don't have to

My love,
Keep yourself safe so I don't have to.

Castiel held the paper close to his chest, his lip quivering a little. "Dean, I love you. I love you so damn much," he whispered, laying backwards on the bed of grass behind them. He held Dean's hand, never seeking to let go. "I know, Dean." He whispered to that green gaze that he knew so well.

Dean leaned back, pulling a sandwich out of his pocket and smiling. "Peanut butter and jelly?" He laughed.

"Dean Winchester, peanut butter with jelly? Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Castiel took the sandwich from Dean, biting off the corner of it.

"Shut up, Cas," Dean leaned over to Cas and kissed him Deeply. He wrapped his arms around Cas.

"I'll finish that later," Castieltook another bite of the sandwich, placing it on the bag Dean used to pack it. He traced his hands down Dean's back, under his back. "God Damn it, I love you, Dean Winchester."

Dean broke the kiss for a moment, taking a bit of the sandwich and popping in Castiel's mouth before he continued.

And then things got heated.

And they ended up skinny dipping in a pond at 5pm.

And Cas felt the best he had in a really long time.


Castiel Clung to Dean for dear life, his long coat covering their bodies as they lay on the ground. The sun had been well past down by now. It must be around 9, and Cas could still see the beautiful colors of the field, and it was all he wanted to see, because he could feel Dean's body pressed underneath his. Dean's arms were wrapped around his torso, his hands at the small of his back. He was dead asleep, and Castiel couldn't help but smile at the tickle of his breath against his shoulder. Cas pressed himself closer, smiling. "Thank God for you, Dean Winchester."


Yes they fuck

I have school tomorrow, but I promised Noomi this chapter so here

Okay I gotta sleep bc I'm performing in a pep rally tomorrow

Also m80s listen to Motion Sickness by Hands Like Houses that shits lit
                                                   ((Ironic use))

Okay m8s I have another Destiel in the works for when this one is done, but let's not get ahead of ourselves bc this book still has like 13-14 more chapters left in it.

Okay nite

I got merch and new shoes

YE cool

I love you my Carcrashovercastyoungbloods

-Emily aka Patrick aka Foblvr

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