Year 5: Friends Who Sick Together, Stay Together

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Castiel sucked his busted lip in between his teeth as he shivered under the sheets. He felt awful. Like, wow, I'm going to die awful. The twins had left his school, but the torture got worse. People constantly picked on him, especially when Dean wasn't around, but Castiel was determined not to let anyone know how bad things were actually getting. They made it very clear that if he told anyone, that they would gut him like a fish. Gut Dean like a fish. That is not rights. No how much light Cas shines on the situation, he cannot see through any cracks at all.

Lucifer wasn't a fan either, but he could do nothing about it. He was out of that school, and Castiel didn't want any drama. As a good brother, Luci kept his mouth shut while his little brother stood miserable in his own school. Every day, he would wake up, and after lucifer took theater tech in his middle school, Cas would make him cover up the bruises and the black eyes. It was just the big stuff.

But that isn't why Cas is miserable now. Not the only reason.

Castiel's stomach felt like it was going to tear straight through his skin. He was dizzy. He was thirsty. He had a headache that made him think that his skull wasn't strong enough to hold his brain. It's 3AM, and Cas didn't want to get up and wake Luci or Gabe. He just wanted to wait it out.

But he really couldn't.

He is going to throw up in his sheets if he doesn't get up now. He slowly tiptoed to the bathroom, holding his breath, and maybe a little more in. He takes the makeup off every night, and Lucifer helps. Can't wake anyone up. He slowly sped up, finding his way onto the tile floor and sloppily shutting the door behind him.

To say the least, he puked.

Nah. It was worse than just puke. He felt like he was on fire. He was weak. His nostrils and throat burned, and his heart was beating really, really fast. Cas was afraid.

"Cas, a-" Lucifer's worried voice sounded as he heard the door open. Castiel didn't move, besides his stomach heaving. "Cas, oh my gosh." Lucifer practically jumped on his brother, patting his back as he threw up. "Cassie, you're burning up." Lucifer looked at his brother's blue eyes. "I'll go get mom."

"No, Lucifer," Castiel pleaded, staring sadly into his brothers eyes. "Please, don't."

"Cas, you're sick!" Lucifer narrowed his eyes and stood up. "I have to, bud. I want you to get better."

"Not while I look like this." Castiel gestured to his eye, which was a tiny bit swollen and still purple. He couldn't let his mother see him like this. He can't tell anyone.


"I said no, Lucifer."

"You have to tell her, someday!" Lucifer's lip quivered, and a tear formed in his eye. "Cas, you're sick, and you are getting beat up. I love you, little brother. I can't stand to see you get hurt like you are."

"Then stop caring."

Ten years of age. That's all Cas was. He was only ten, and he just told his teenaged brother, the one he was closest to, to stop caring about him. That isn't something that he's supposed to do. That isn't supposed to happen.

"You want me to stop caring?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes once more. "Cas, we've been inseparable since you were born! I can't just stop caring about you!"

"Why not?" Castiel didn't understand why he was saying what he was saying. He wanted to hug Lucifer and tell him that he just wanted out of it. He wanted out of school. He wanted out of the pain. He just wanted a different life. But all that came out of Castiel's mouth were lies. Blatant lies.

Lucifer stumbled back. Staring at his brother in shock. From that moment, Cas knew he messed up. "What are they saying to you, Castiel?"

"Hm? Who?" Castiel whimpered. Twisting himself to where he was back over the toilet and throwing up.

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