Year 6: Curse Those Wooden Stairs

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(A/N) This isn't the most realistic chapter, but it must be here for the sake of character development. Okay read on.

Soft lighting surrounded Castiel in his warm bed. He felt weightless, and the 11 year old boy couldn't have been happier. He could just stare at the ceiling for ages. A piece of thick rope was in his hands. He held it tight, like it was his only hope. The rope calmed Castiel down. His window shined a gray light onto his shirt. It was beautiful. The silver clouds seemed to be lined with a faded blue-gray color. He smiled ago himself. It was a beautiful day in his colorless dream world. Castiel loved it here. He couldn't differentiate between the darks and the lights on his skin. He muted color made the boy the happiest thing in the world. Again, he couldn't explain why. Perhaps the work out it have the 11 year old's mind. He loved having to figure out that was what. It was amazing. What people fail to realize in that color is a necessity. Castiel has adapted to be able to live without it, and he gets along just fine. A purple rose, or a red rose? What is the difference? A rose is a rose. It's a simple thing, with a stem, and leaves, and petals, and... Thorns. A rose is a rose.




Castiel shot up with a gasp. He's covered In sweat. His heart wasbbeating rapidly... but that wasn't a nightmare. That was the most peaceful dream Castiel had had in a long, long time. What gives?

He suddenly realized how bright it was in his room. Lucifer glances at him, then the window, and back to him. His eyes are filled with worry as he shook Cas in another attempt to fully wake his brother. "Cas, get up!" Lucifer grabbed his hand and pulled him out of bed, causing Castiel to hit the floor with a thud.

"What time is it?" Castiel stood and rubbed his head as his 14 year old brother tried shutting him up.

"It's 5:30AM." Lucifer was shaking. Lucifer never is afraid. Sure, we've established that before, but the fear in his was worse then when Castiel had gotten beat up in second grade.

Castiel swung his head around, and he glanced out the window. "Oh my God." His heart dropped when the only color visible was flooding into his pupils like water into a drain. All he saw was...

All he saw was orange.

The Winchester's house was on fire.

"Cas, come on!" Lucifer hissed, almost lunging towards his brother. Castiel darted past him, grabbing his leaf, and Freddy. Those were the two things he needed. His lead was dry, now. Castiel was super careful with it. He never left without it. It was in a ziplock bag, now, safe from all harm. "Cas!"

Castiel was out of his house in less than a moment, Lucifer and Gave on his tail. He ran out to the end of his driveway. No one was there yet. Not even a simple fire truck. It was horrifying. The blaze lit up the sky as if the sun were about to explode. "Oh my..." Castiel narrowed his eyes. By the looks of it, it's bad, and they aren't out yet. None of them are out, yet. Dean is still in there.

Castiel cautiously dropped Freddy and his leaf, cautiously taking a step forward. He shut his mouth, narrowing his eyes. He'd regret this, but the adrenaline was pulsing through his veins so fast that it was all instinct. He didn't think. "I've got to help."

"Cas, no!" Lucifer screamed from the other side of the street.

When Castiel glanced at his teary-eyed brother, he did hesitate, but it was a split second. Castiel made a split second decision to choose Dean instead of think about his brother. That explains the bond between the two. They are truly inseparable. That will always be the beauty in the friendship of the boys. "I have to help!"

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