Chapter 23-Progress Is Made So Far

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After that, Solana picked out this song she wants me to do. It was a spell binder song but Aaron's father must not know because he didnt say anything or didn't look surprised.

"I'll sing it." I said as Aaron pretends to grab me roughly bringing me back into his room locking the door.

"Phew! I'm glad he didn't notice." Aaron says as he lays on the bed.

"Maybe your mom has him so you know all under her spell maybe he is in love with her." I shrugged.

"Maybe trusting her more." I added.

"True." He says as I sit on the bed.

"Well I can't wait to go back home. I know my dad is so worried about me and Autumn and the rest. Yeah right now I bet my dad wants to rip your head off." I said.

"Why?" He asks.

"You know what happened years ago and this. Yeah you didn't show a good first impression. So yeah." I said as I played with my fingers.

"Yeah, I heard how he gets over his 'baybeh' girls. I mean it wasn't my fault though." He says.

"I know so leave the talking to me." I said as I giggled.

"Yeah I will. But I can't just to admire you. You're everything I seen into my eyes." He says rolls on top of me.

"Yeah you're everything I see my eyes." I said as I kissed him.

"Whenever this madness seems to be over, I will bring you so many places and hopefully you can teach me on being a human." He says as I bit down my lip.

"I will. After all, you did get a smart twin. Autumn's smart coming down to magic and everything but not me. I'm smart coming down to the educational things." I said as I nodded.

"Right." He says as he moves the strand of hair out of my face and we both smile.


"Girl you did what!" I said as Autumn told me.

"Hush! Plus I know you went skinny dipping. You and your husband in the Bahamas." She says as we laughed.

"Yup and my little quadruple babies are coming soon." I said as I rubbed my belly.

"Yeah that's a lot of kids." She says.

"Yup, I'm not pregnant now. I know I'm gonna have quadruplets. But I'm doing that after we save your sister and mines." I said.

"Yeah where's your husband anyway?" I asked.

"Now he's on a yacht discussing business things with other bosses." I said.

"Hm you keep your man in check right?" She asks.

"Yup. He loves my crazy, freaky, funny, little ole me. Even though his family doesn't until now they love me to death." I said as I smiled.

"Everyone loves Selma to death." She says.

"So true. I have that good effect onto people. Plus I'm just being me. So." I said.

"So when you do get pregnant no more crazy selma?" She asks.

"Nope. Mommy duties. Only crazy when I have missions to do and my husband watches them or if he's too busy, I'll pay for a nanny." I said as I flipped my hair.

"Yeah. But I can't wait to see my dad's reaction." She says.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, when he meets Aaron. Dad is gonna go so bizzurk. Cursing out the poor boy before letting him explain. I'm gonna be the worst person and laugh because it's gonna be funny." She says as we both starting to laugh.

"Give me front seat for that." I said.

"He loves Will though." I added.

"Right who wouldn't?" She giggles.

"Mh, skinny dippin. Can't get over you doing that." I said as I laughed.

"Don't forget strip poker." She adds as we laughed.

"I'ma do that with my husband but then we gon wind up fuckin' afterwards." I said as I nodded.

"Now you would totally enjoy that." She says as I nod.

"Yes, Yes I will." I smile.


I was on the beach with summer and my parents were too busy doing more "wedding things". Even though my mom is totally faking the act. She's doing a well job at it and I am too because I get that from her.

Summer was standing there and she was like the only color and person I can see without being black and white.

I couldn't help but to admire her as the wind was blowing

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I couldn't help but to admire her as the wind was blowing.

She turned and smiled at me then tilt her head as I copied her. She started to laugh.

"You're there just being quiet and admiring me." She says as still stands in the water.

"Yeah I mean I just love what I see." I smirked.

"So do I papi." She says as she pulls me into the water.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she does the same to me. She stands on her tippy toes to look me into my eyes as I looked down at hers which was sparkling.

"I am truly enjoying this moment." I said as we both started to laugh.

"Me too and every other good moment we had." She says as I pecked her lips.

This moment was perfectly silent and free everything zone.

We both pulled away until she started to smirk.

"Close your eyes and puck out your lips." She says.

"If I feel a fish somewhere come on my lips summer then you will feel my tongue inside of you." I said as she giggled.

"I'll look forward to that." She says and then giggles.

"Mhum." I said as I closed my eyes and pucked out my lips then three seconds later water was all over my face then she puts a fish lips on mine then I wiped it to open my eyes and already seen her running from her head start.

I folded my arms and smirked.

"You must forget Summer, I am a phantom." I said as I appeared in front of her.

I held both of her wrist gently and smirked.

"You must want my tongue and me up in you huh?" I smirked.

"Yes daddy I do." She says as she nods with a smirk then laughs.

"Say no more." I whispered as I started to kiss down her neck.

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