3. The Coffee Cup

Start from the beginning

I lifted my eyes off my screen and looked across at the shop. It just opened and the place was getting a little more busy with everyone gradually waking up. I got up on my feet and went over to the shop. I peered inside and smiled. It looked like a great environment to work in. I approached the register and gave the girl working there a friendly smile.

“Hey, I’m here asking about a potential job here” I told her, I showed her the paper and she nodded calling someone named Aria. I waited patiently and a women soon appeared from the door. She gave me a warm smile and ushered me into the back room. I followed her waving a goodbye to the girl behind the register.

I sat down on the seat and folded my legs into a comfortable position.

“Hi, my name is Aria and I’m the manager for the coffee cup, I’m just going to ask a few questions so can you start of by introducing yourself?”

“Sure, my name is Alex Paris, 18 and I’m a first year at Metro University” I started as I watched her gather up paperwork and nod whilst I talked.

“Ok, do you have any experience?” she looked up at me, I thought about it and I actually hadn’t had a real job before.

“This is actually my first potential job but I’ve done some volunteer work” I admitted, hopefully it wouldn’t affect her decision.

“That’s ok, what’s your timetable like?” I sighed in relief, thankful I had a lot of time to spare.

“I’m free after school and on weekends” She wrote it down on a piece of paper.

“Perfect, are you able to start training today?” She asked getting out a few things with timetable and rules sheet , spare keys and a few other sheets of paper.

 “Yup, I’m free, so do I get the job?” I asked hopefully eyeing all the sheets and items she had brought out.

“Yes you do, congratulations now follow me I’ll get you a uniform” I grinned and followed her out of the room.

My first job. I stood near the doorway as she brought out my uniform to me.

“What size are you?” she asked whilst sifting through the boxes.

“Medium should be good” I felt someone’s eyes on me, I turned my head to see the girl from before staring at me. I gave her a confused look and she just looked away. Aria handed me my new uniform and directed me into a small room to get changed in.

I looked over my uniform, black fitted pants, a shirt with the logo and a small apron. I stripped off my clothing and slipped on the uniform. There wasn’t a mirror in the room but looking down at myself I think I looked alright. I put my wallet and phone in my back pocket. I left the items she gave me in the room with my clothes.

I walked out of the room and walked over to the register. Aria wasn’t here, she was probably in her office. I stood next to the girl, I turned to her, “Hi, I’m Alex what’s your name?” I asked smiling at her.

“Hello, I’m Swathi, you got the job?” she asked politely.

“Yeah I did, so what can I do?” She walked over to the coffee machine and I listened to her carefully as she taught me how to use the machine. She gave me a sheet of paper with all the drink recipes that I had to learn. I looked over it briefly and gave myself a reminder to revise over it when I was free.

“Come here and give it a go” she moved out of the way and I tried to work the machine. It worked perfectly until I removed the cup from the machine and the lid fell off. Like the domino effect, the cup slipped out of my hands. There was a puddle on the ground and I shuffled sheepishly. “It’s alright I’ll go get the mop” she said to me and went through the door.

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