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Bella could sense the vampires before they reached the door. There were 6 of them: 4 females, 2 males. One female was the obvious leader, she stood slightly infront of the others.

All of the Cullen's heads turned at the sound of laughter. It was high, sweet, overflowing with happiness. Carlisle ran to door, quickly opening it before pulling a red-headed woman into a tight hug. She was a little taller than Esme but still very young looking. Not more than 20.

The vampire's assumed Coven entered the living room, hugging the rest of the Cullens. The redhead was running her hands over their faces after she hugged them. Almost memorizing the shape. She spun on her heel, suddenly facing me.

"Edward, I assume the vampire that I am, hopefully, facing is your mate?" Edward had muttered out a short, "That would be true, Aunt Alaska. This is Bella." Bella was puzzled, it showed on her face, at who this 'Aunt Alaska' women was.

Alaska had then raised her hands to trace Bella's face, but she hesitated. Bella looked even more confused than before and turned to the others, looking for what she was going to do.

A man with white blond hair cleared his voice before speaking. "Our Mother is blind. She traces your face with her hands, sometimes asking what color your hair or skin are. She does that to get a good idea of what you look like, as again, she can't see.

Bella nodded, allowing Alaska to trace her face. Her hands lightly danced across her cheekbones, dusting over her eyelids, before stepping back infront of her coven.

Edward then whispered to Alaska, "You might want to introduce our cousins." She spun back around to face me. "Yes! That would be wise."

Alaska made a hand gesture before one of the girls slightly lead her to a couch.

"I have lived a long long time. I was almost a 1,000 years old when I met Carlisle, that was right before he met the Volturi. I didn't stay with him long before moving on. I soon feel in love with Germany and it's culture. I then met Harley, and in turn James." Alaska gestured to the two before continuing.

"You must know how Carlisle only turns people if they have no other choice. I only like to change someone if I know I can give them a better life. Harley and James were both street rats. Harley was raised basically from birth down there. I even had to give him a new name after I turned him, they had called him Maus-Junge."

Bella could only just hear one of the men whisper, "Mouse boy."

"We moved a bit before we found Willow. I waited till she was 17. I had met her when she was around 5 years young. Willow's mother was an alcoholic and her stepfather a gambler. She was treated as servant and almost killed to amuse them. I couldn't stand it and took her in."

"James actually met Octavia a couple hundred years later. It was very common to have slaves and Octavia was beaten and abused daily, she was a broken thing when he found her, he killed the men who owned her, James was the knight in shining armor Octavia needed. She was his queen, to be forever loyal to. James brought her to me to change. I couldn't very well say no, as anyone, human or vampire, could see they were in love and mates."

Both Octavia and James were gazing at each other, their mother's wispy voice making them remember much cherished memories. They had become caught in their own world.

"Scarlet was a little different, I hadn't found her, she found me. The town thought I was a goddess or Deity of sorts. Many gave us gifts and in turn we gave blessings. Scarlet had come to us begging to take her with when we left. She had been sold off to a pig. The poor thing was one of many wifes, only there for sex. They killed the baby boy she had given birth to as he was technically only to have one wife. Bastards were cursed. Harley was her mate, so of course we took her in. He was furious and ofcourse killed the man after we left."

Alaska's storytelling had come to a stop, leaving Bella saddened at how horrid these people's lives were. But she couldn't not be happy that Alaska had given them each their fairytale endings. The moment came to an end though as Carlisle broke the silence. "Your rooms are as you left them, though Alice probably remodeled everything, and expect new wardrobes."

This got a laugh from the group as they moved into their rooms. Bella decided they would met Renesmee tomorrow, before tucking her in bed.

Author's Note:
Damn that was long hopefully that makes up for the fact I basically didn't update. I gave now explained a bit of each of their backstories except Alaska. I will have hers explained in-depth later on. I have a couple surprises up my sleeves to come soon surrounding her coven.


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