Part Two - Demons

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A week or two passed before Chanyeol was caught sight of again, and Kai spent the majority of the time sitting in his bed. He'd grown tired of rolling around aimlessly and instead had trapped himself under the cotton of his sheets. He just watched. Watched as the sun moved across his room until it set and then he glared through the darkness at the expanse of plastic petals that adorned his room.

Last time his parents had graced him with a visit, he'd told his mother about how much he liked sunflowers, and every few months thereafter he'd been sent a vase full. But never real ones, instead fake, odorless pieces of plastic that disgusted Kai. He hated them. You couldn't replicate flowers, not without the same effect. Flowers just had a beauty humans couldn't portray.

Kai was watching the reflection of the stars in his window when a sudden bang alerted him to a presence. He sat bolt upright and turned only to find a blood coated Chanyeol leaning on the back of the door, eyes squeezed shut and form hunched over.

Kai snapped into action.

"Wh-What are you doing here! A-are you okay? You're....b-bleeding" Feeling rather useless at the fact he had limited movement, and the sight of blood was freezing him up enough already. Kai bit his lip, sucking in a deep breath before waving Chanyeol over, trying to get him to show him what was wrong.

"What happened?"

Chanyeol sucked in a sharp breath, wiping at his eyes furiously as he started to drip onto the floor, "I didn't realise anyone was in here... I-I'm sorry..."

"Gosh, you're making such a mess! Are you okay, do you want me to get a-"

"NO! Please don't.... I'm here to keep away from them."

"But you're bleeding everywhere and..." Kai paused, to gather his courage "I'll make you a deal, I won't get a nurse, but you have to let me help you okay? Deal?"

It was obvious to tell Chanyeol wasn't happy, you could just tell by the way he fidgeted and looked fearfully around the room but eventually after seeing something that was apparently only visible to him, he squeezed his eyes closed. "Okay...D-deal."

"Well get your goddamned ass over here."


It turned out that after managing to bandage Chanyeol enough that he'd survive until a nurse found them in the morning, the boy had curled up on the end of his bed, head across Kai's legs and promptly fallen asleep... much to Kai's relief however,not until after he'd been made to blab the whole story.

Chanyeol had gotten out of bed to go to the bathroom, but coated with sleep and suffering from a series of psychotic hallucinations he had completely forgotten about the set of amenities in his room. Having wandered down the hall to the shared set, everything had been fine until he met the mirror. Unlike the one in his room anything sharp and anything that brought a reflection had been removed to stop any triggering thoughts. That wasn't the same here and once a reflection was caught Chanyeol freaked out at his charred mess of a face and slammed his arm into the glass. It had shattered all through his skin. Things had gotten a little blurry after that, at some point Chanyeol also managed to slam his chest on the broken glass as well, then be chased by a hallucination back down the hall to Kai's room.

Oh how wonderfully peachy.

Well at least the majority of the glass was gone now and he was seemed to be at peace for now. Kai left him there and curling up as well he fell asleep at the other end of the bed.


The next morning, Kai was awakened by the hushed whispers of confused doctors and sitting up groggily he blinked away his sleep, trying to work out what was going on. But then he realised Chanyeol was asleep on his bed and there was blood all over the floor and he kind of thought they had a right to that expression. He mouthed a "shh" as he tried to gather his thoughts. He gave a quiet explanation but as soon as someone reached to take Chanyeol away he frowned, pushing the arms away. "No, he'll be traumatized if he wakes up and I'm not here..."

"Then you better wake him up..." With a sigh Kai saw no other option, so waving the nurses out the room he did as requested, his hand gently shaking Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Chanyeol....Chanyeol..." After a few moments of groggy shaking Chanyeol sat up and whined, rubbing at his eyes. "Chanyeol, the doctors are here they want to bandage you up... Is that okay...?"

"No I don't want to go..."

"Ani, you can stay here, I don't mind. I have a... session today, so I'll be gone for a little bit but I'll come back."

"S-session..?" the boy yawned, blinking around deliriously, searching for the nurses who thankfully weren't there yet. "Yeah, you know to get me better and all. I'll be back soon. But you should let the nurses look you over, they won't leave you alone otherwise...and they'll make you go back to your room."

It took a moment for the drowsy redhead to consider the options, and all the while Kai had to stop himself from freaking out. The other's slices had reopened and were currently staining the bandages a deeper red and his broken face had started to weep out thin black streaks. He needed to be seen to, and Kai breathed out a sigh of relief when the other finally agreed, patting his arm comfortingly before pressing the button beside his bed to call the nurses.

The staff swept in, and Kai was lucky enough to stick around just long enough to make sure Chanyeol was okay with them prodding him before he was back in his chair and swept out the room, thankfully too worried about someone else to linger over fearful thoughts of his own recovery. He sighed softly as he was rolled down the hall, his head resting back against the seat of his chair as he already began to feel sick to the stomach. With any luck, maybe this session would fix him.

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