I went to the window and looked out. The children had gone back to their houses and no one was out. Probably only the patrols. I opened my window letting the breeze in. It was a good two storeys down but being a cat I knew I could make it.

I listened making sure that no one was near my door then I ran down the walls on hands and feet. Afterwards I created a mental wall around me to hide my scent. I darted through bushes, slowing down by the patrol line. There weren't many people so when they had turn their backs I dashed through the trees for my freedom.

Following tyre tracks, I found the road. Concentrating on where I heard more people,  I turned right and soon found the city. It was soon time for visiting hours so I hurried to the hospital. I probably seemed like a blur to people. I mean werecats run very, very fast.

I made it to the hospital just as visiting hours started. Asking to see both Justin and Maria, the woman behind the desk told me the door numbers.

Luckily for me, they were near to each other. I went to Justin first, finding him sitting up in bed with a nurse just leaving. "Miela," he exclaimed when he saw me.

"Yo. How you feeling?" I asked as I sat next to him on the bed.

"I'm fine now. The nurse said I can leave anytime."

"Great. I'm going to see Mari now," I told him getting up. When he didn't budge I turned to him and I realized what he wanted. The thing about best friends is that with one look you know what they're saying. "I'm not mad Ok?"

"Promise?" he asked getting out the bed. I came up to him giving him a hug. "I promise. Now let's go see Mari." He laughed as he allowed me to pull him along. We went across the hallway and entered her room.

She appeared to be resting but her eyes opened as soon as the door closed. I let go of his hand and went to Maria's side and he went to the other. "Hey guys," she whispered. Her head, shoulder and other parts of her body were bandaged.

"Hey," we told her, Justin softly caressing her hand.

"What's going on in the outside world?"

"Well I just got free passage out of the hospital." They both looked at me and I swallowed.

"What happened Mi-mi?" Mari asked. "You're acting just like before."

"Its complicated."

"We have half an hour," Justin said checking his watch. I sighed.

"You know when we were smaller, we all had a liking for books about werecreatures." They nodded. "Do you believe they exist?"

"Its possible."

"What if I told you that I was one of them," I asked, studying their reactions.

They remained silent for a minute. "Its fine." "That would be cool." I sighed in relief.

"Right. Remember about mates." They nodded again. "I'm a werecat. Those three boys we saw at the park were werewolves and one of them is my mate." Their faces held shock and I looked down.

"That's so cool," Justin exclaimed.

"So why did you run away from them that day then."

"She hates werewolves, remember?"

"Oh yh," Mari said. "But why?"

As I became comfortable, I told them of my past then I told them what happened the day before. "You are so mean to your mate," Justin apprehended me.

"You should give him a chance."

"A chance is what he will never get. I'm never going back there, Mari. Not like I know the way back anyway."

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