Chapter 18: The Calm

Start from the beginning

"Most of the time, yes. You never know how long they last or which team really is the bad guys."

"Hey! Jared!" Amethyst yelled while coming out from under some building rubble. Carter and Xavier come out as well, in pain.

"Ugh what the heck...did you just beat him?" Carter asked

"Yeah i did but hes gone. Probably back to Octo Valley."

"Well then we'll be ready. For now lets help anyone who's buried alive."

"Right guys...ehh ill catch up but as for you Thomas i.." Jared notices he's gone "that little! Where did he go!?"

As jared and his team help out any ppl who were caught in the explosion and fighting, David and Abigail's teams emerge from rubble on another side of inkopolis.

"Uhh is everyone ok?" David said while looking hurt

"Agh never better." Kobe confirmed that the others are okay but still bruised and such. Abigail then laid up and asked-

"I'm good too. What was that?"

"Idk but it looked like that kid came through." Shawn said

"Wait he saved us?? God i owe Summer 20 bucks." Brooke said with a disappointed look "...oh i mean yeah the city is saved. Thats good."

"Well now that the city is fine for now, our partnership ends." Abigail confirms

"Right. Guess we'll help some people out and prepare ourselves when they open up the tower again."

"Hold up! We gotta help people?" Tarique questioned

"YES, its the nice thing to do! Now cmon." David tugs T away as the others follow but not before preston asks the girl's one last question-

"Will we ever see you ladies again?"

"I hope not." Jessica replied

"Maybe in turf wars we'll randomly run into you guys, just make sure you put up a good fight. Unlike this last team we fought." Abigail mentions Amethyst's team unknowingly to preston.

"Trust me we are awesome! Especially David and Kobe. Ill see you ladies later." He winks and heads off while the girls talk about him

"Ok that guy is a little funny compared to the rest of them."

"Hmmm not Brooke's type but that short fellow is kinda cute."

"Hes annoying."

"I think hes cute and funny." Summer said while the others stare at her "...what? He is."

The next day after things cool down and jared returns home to find his mother and father okay after all that. He sees that Echo is here and tries to find him. School is closed because of the damage and so is Turf wars so jared went outside with Carter, Amethyst, and Xavier.

"Whats bugging you, Jared? I mean other than turf wars being closed i mean its freaking everyone out but your moving really fast." Carter wondered

"Everything! I dont know where the cube is, im still mind blown of what Lil D said and there are still Octarians out there. I mean what if more octarians come back with more troops?! What if the voice on the cube turns out to be a deadly assassin!?! What if-"

Amethyst slaps jared multiple times.

"Get a hold of your senses, Jared! Stop thinking like that, it really aint your thing. Now then ok bad stuff will happen now and then but you gotta just fight back over and over and just love the good times while they last."

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