Chapter 4: Not Human

Start from the beginning

I heard a gunshot and instantly covered the Beowulf, taking a bullet to the mid-section of my spine. The bullet lodged itself in between one of the sections of my spine, disabling me from moving as I fell over.

Ruby: "(Y/N)!"

Pyrrha: "I-I didn't mean to... I didn't think he'd..."

I knew they wouldn't be able to dig the bullet from my spine, so I didn't bother asking them.

Me: "I'm fine. I just can't move."

They still seemed shocked due to their silence. I looked to my Beowulf companion and whistled, motioning to my back with my eyes. It seemed to nod and moved forward then hovered over my back.

Me: "You may want to look away for this."

Nora: "Wh-"

My body suddenly seized as the Beowulf dug its fangs into my back and wrapped its teeth around my spine, it then lifted its head quickly, tearing off the section that was blocked by the bullet(plus a little extra). I felt my spine form back together and the wound on my back heal over instantly. As I got up my spine cracked loudly and readjusted. I turned to the Beowulf and patted its head.

Me: "Good puppy."

It sat and wagged its tail, still having the section of my spine in its mouth, along with blood dripping from its teeth. I turned to Team RWBY and JNPR. They seemed terrified and disgusted, looks that I've gotten used to over my years as a lab rat.

Me: "See, friendly."

Blake: "I'm sorry (Y/N), but we have to kill it. You can't keep it here."

Ozpin: "And whys that?"

Ozpin suddenly approached the two teams from behind, cane in hand.

Ozpin: "I see no problem with it, as long it's docile."

Ozpin approached the Beowulf and I then looked at the Beowulf. He held out his hand and smiled down at the Grimm.

Ozpin: "Paw."

The Grimm stared at him for a moment, wondering what to do, then suddenly raised its paw and placed it on Ozpin's.

Ozpin: "As long as it stays out of trouble and you know you're responsible for it I see no reason why it can't stay with you."

I smiled.

Me; "Thank you, Headmaster. Come on puppy, let's get cleaned up."

I started walking to my dorm room.

[Ozpin's POV]

I watched as he walked back to the dorm building, occasionally looking down at the Beowulf and saying something, it brought a slight smile to my face.

Weiss; "Sir are you sure about letting him keep a Beowulf as a pet?"

Ozpin: "It'll be good for him. Having a pet, going to school, making friends, these are all things that will show him he's more than just a test subject, a tool for someone's interests. It's our jobs to guide him, and I'd be grateful if you continue to help him."

Ruby: "Of course we will Professor."

[???'s POV]

Me: "So you're saying he has no soul? And can't die?"

WhiteFang: "Yes ma'am. The documents we retrieved from the lab confirm this, along with various recordings of testing, many are quite... graphic."

I thought for a moment.

Me; "Bring me the tapes, and the information on the subject. He might be of use to us."

He nodded and ran off, returning a few moments later with a large stack of papers and five disks. I looked through the papers and found the basic information. It read


'Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Date of Birth: Unknown
Hair Color: (Hair Color)
Eye Color: (Eye Color)
Aura Color; None
Semblance: None
Nature: Passive
Notes; Subject shows no sign of mortality. After 300 tests the subject is still alive and well, though mental state is lacking. Subject shows no sign of hostility, though possesses inhuman strength and agility shown when subject picked up a captured Ursa Major at a young age. Will continue testing until progress is made, signed Dr. Alex Young.'

I smiled as I finished reading.

Me; "So... (Y/N) (L/N)... you might just be of some use to me."

[(A/N): Hey guys! Sorry for the long break for such a crappy chapter, I'm setting things up for the whole conflict and such. Anywho, I want to do another vote this time it's....(drum roll please)

The gender and name of your new pet!



Leave a comment on your choice and feel free to suggest a name for your lovable, flesh-eating, creature of death and destruction. Anywho, DarkPrince out! (P.S: Happy(Very) late Halloween!)]

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