Chapter 5

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I can't take the pain. Fire sears up my arms and along my legs, until I can't take it anymore.

"GRAMPA!" I scream. "GET HER OUT!"

Grampa mumbles something, that sounds like 'I can't'. I can tell I'm not supposed to hear.

"No, no, no" I mumble myself, still sobbing in pain and distress.

My little precious baby, stuck inside of me. Why did Jake have to do this!? Never much, we had talked about children. I guessed he didn't really mind. But then recently he had mentioned it, and he seemed quite positive about it...


I was walking along the beach at sunset, my hand in Jake's and my brunette hair flowing in the gentle, warm air. He sighed in peace.

"So" he began. "Where are we?"

I was slightly confused, but nothing could shake my bond with Jacob Black.

"We're at the beach, silly" I teased, lightly shoving him.

He chuckled and stopped walking, I stopped to as he turned me to face him.

"No, no" he laughed. "Where are we, when are we going to move onwards, what's our future?"

"It better be together" I smiled, kissing him.

He chuckled again.

"Yeah, I cant control that even if you weren't the most beutiful girl I've ever seen" he said.

I giggled and playfully put my hand over his mouth.

"So" he began "What's going to happen?".

I wondered. I had never really thought about a future with Jake, even though It's what I assumed and wanted. I was too busy focusing on the present- me helplessly in love with a gorgeous boy, my parents happy together and automatically knowing every math calculation and English word without being properly educated (Dad).

"I dunno" I stated, twisting my hands round so that our hands were palm-to-palm.

"Our own house? Get away from the lee- lovely vampires" He suggested.

I kissed his forehead.

"They aren't so bad. They added an extra story to the house for us, Jake- which we have all to ourselves!" I pointed out.
"I'm glad. Helps with the smell" He chuckled.

"Jake" I giggled. "I'm half vampire too, you know?"

He cupped my head in his scolding hands.

"Yeah, but you're waaaay more beautiful" he said, quietly.

I put my arms around his neck, and kissed him lightly on my tip-toes.

"I guess our own place would be pretty useful, though" I smiled.

"Then we wouldn't have to come down to the beach every time we want to be alone" he read my mind aloud.

I nodded. We were silent for a minute, my head on his chest as I watched the waves crash gently over the shore.

"Children?" He asked softly and delicately, as if it were a subject he thought I might freak at.

I lifted my face up to look into his brown eyes, which were looking down at me. Children? I had never thought about it. I was only 17. But when I thought about it, I wasn't going to age much older, and me and Jake weren't going in any particular direction. I couldn't just stay a crazily-in-love teen forever. But was I ready for a child!?

"Jake-" I began.

"Nessie, let's just consider it" he interrupted, quickly kissing me after.

"No" I groaned, trying to break it with my hand.

Jake was too strong.


He let go. Jake would do anything for me.

"Sorry" He apologised. "That was wrong of me"

I sighed.

"It's alright" I said. "I never knew you contemplated kids".

He shrugged.

"I want to be part of you" he said, quietly.

"You are, Jake! You imprinted on me! We are bonded for life no matter what!" I said, a little confused.

"Yes, emotionally. But not physically" He said. "Imagine such strong proof of us, living cells of combined genes of us both! A way to tie a knot between us, a way to attach me to you, and vice versa"

I thought about it. He was right, I guess. It would be a way of bringing us closer.

"One try" I said, sighing.

"Okay" he said, and hugged me, smiling his crooked smile I loved the most.


And that one time had worked. And now I am wondering if that was best, as I feel a ripping sensation in my womb area. I feel like I'm trembling, and then suddenly everything is black.

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