Chapter 2

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Renesmé's POV
Jacob was sitting opposite me, the only thing between us a delicious strawberry scented candle. It was so romantic. Jacob was wearing a tux, which went really well with his black/brown gelled hair. I passed him the massive menu (/book) that I had just flicked through. I decided to just have a steak salad, as I'd been eating less recently. I could taste the meaty air on my tongue, and it made me feel nauseous, in fact.

"Jake, they have your favourite, BBQ ribs" I said, looking at him.

"You know me so well" He grinned.

He smiled at me, and leaned over the table to kiss my forehead. I smiled, and then let him sit back down.

"I guess I don't need this, then" he said, smiling.

He placed the menu carefully by the candle, and stared at me. I smiled.

"You look gorgeous" he complimented, grinning.

"Thanks. You look great, too" I smiled.

"I love you, Ness" he said.

"I love you, too" I said.

It was the most truthful thing I'd ever said. Ever since I'd been born, I'd loved Jacob. At first, in a friend way. I had never been told that he had imprinted on me, and I just thought he was very fond of me too. Around the age of 14, I started to realise that it was a different kind of love, and that's when Mom told me about the imprint. Ever since then, I'd loved Jacob with my body, heart, and soul to death. There was barely ever a second that I was away from him. And I never got tired of him. He always had a new story to tell, a new joke to crack, and more kisses to spare. Just then, the waitress walked over.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked.

Jacob nodded.

"Can I have some BBQ ribs with a coke?" Jacob said.

The lady nodded and jotted it down on a pad.

"What would you like?" She turned to me.

"Can I have a small steak salad please?" I asked.

She nodded slowly.

"And the drink?"

Suddenly, something erupted in my throat. It burned.

"Jacob!" I gasped.

He immediately jumped up and ran the short distance to get to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Renesmé, what is it?" He asked, cautiously.

The waitress looked shocked. I gave Jacob a look that I knew he would get, and put a hand to my throat. He shook his head. He gasped.

"This can't happen".

I began to pant.

"Jacob! You have to stop me!"

Suddenly, the sound of hot, rushing blood filled in my head. I couldn't focus on anything except the warmth and the sound of the pumping liquid. The sound of hearts beating. I suddenly couldn't control myself. I sprang wildly halfway across the room. I heard people screeching and Jacob shouting.

"Renesmé! STOP!" He ordered, terrified.

I had never drank human blood before, but right now, it felt like the only thing I needed, that I wanted. I crazily looked across the room, focusing on each blood stream. I smelt a smell, extremely appealing. Then I suddenly snapped. Renesmé! I thought. What are you doing!? I suddenly froze, and took a deep breath. My vision cleared, and I was suddenly back to normal. I looked at Jacob. He was gobsmacked. I slowly began to make my way to him. I needed him. I wanted him. I was halfway there, when I heard a rip. The rip of delicate skin. The sound of a knife piercing flesh, the smell of fresh, pouring blood. Pure and right there. I was suddenly an animal. I pounced across the room, landing myself on a young man. His finger was streaming with the thick red liquid. I bared my teeth. Now. There was no stopping me. I sank my teeth into his wound, and drank uncontrollably. Renesmé! I thought. STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? STOP IT! YOURE KILLING HIM! But I couldn't stop the liquid from going down my throat, I couldn't separate my teeth from the screeching man's hand. Suddenly, I felt unbelievably strong hands around my waist, and they ripped me backwards, flinging me into the opposite wall. I whacked against it, pain thrumming in my ears. My thirst felt satisfied, like I had been missing out on hydration for years. I took deep breaths. I felt blood streaming down my face, and automatically placed my hand to my head. When I took it away, my own blood was covering it. My head was bleeding. I closed my eyes and felt hot hands on me. Quite obviously Jacob.

"Jacob" I murmured. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay, honey, stay still" he soothed.

I heard another voice.

"Jacob, get away from her".


"Dad, no. I want him" I groaned. "It's not his fault"

"No" Dad simply stated.

I felt Jacobs secure hands slip off me, and a cold one being placed on me. I opened my eyes.

"Dad" I moaned. "I couldn't help it".

His face looked devastated. I closed my eyes in pain again.

"Renesmé, this is bad. They'll know us..." He said, solemnly.

I heard Grandpa Carlisle say something to me.

"Renesmé, we need to get you home. This is serious"

I nodded, and let unknown arms sweep me up and run with me, fast. When I opened my eyes, I was laying on a hospital bed in the middle of the Cullen's house. Grandpa Carlisle was the only person there. It must've been him that took me here.

"What happened. You need to tell me" he ordered.

"It burnt" I simply said, holding my throat as if in pain.

He nodded.

"I couldn't control myself" I said. "This has never happened before, Grandpa".

He nodded again.

"I know".

"What happened?" I asked him. "I thought I was half human".

Carlisle raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Just do this for me" he said.

"Do what?" I asked.

He passed me a slice of bread with thick Nutella spread onto it. My favourite.

"Eat this" he said.

I slowly raised the bread to my mouth, and took a small bite of it.

"Swallow" Grandpa Carlisle ordered.

I couldn't.

Twilight (Fresh Waters)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora