•Chapter 1•

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        Oh my god I am so exited to go to Korean to meet my bestfriends after so long, it has been almost  three or more years and I am almost twenty. I have summer break for four months. I want to go see them and I really like Jinyoung from Got7 which I will fan girl a lot. As I was walking down a ally because my GPS in my phone tells me to because I got fine my friends house in Seoul but little did I know that someone was running really fast and bump into me and we both fall down, I imitially said sorry many times in English *suhhh Sara he don't know English* -while hit my head and thought he don't know English- what are you say sorry so much hahahah I heard I guy say in English. * He is so handsome* (* mean Sara is think for herself).  Then he start to talk and said it is alright and I look at surprise because I didn't know he knew English. He start talk and his friend made fun off him. I thought maybe the know where the house address is so I asked the guy that talk English which he got all surprise and said this house is in front of our house * what this weird*. That when he start to introduce him self and his friends to me. Before I could say I am Sara he already said that "you are Sara right", and I just nodded because I am shocked of how he know me. But then he said that they are friends with Mira,Ritzy and Missa. After a very long walk they we where in front of a big house which they guy that is name was Jungkook took keys out and opened the door and other which name was V helped me to carry my bag  to the house and the one that talked English like he was rapping  and even his name is rap monsta, hold the doors all the time and always in his phone and smiling. When we arrived at the front door to go inside the house Jungkook that have the keys don't open he rings the bell and a guy with blonde hair open the door with surprise face which I feel uncomfortable because I thought the guys lied to me but when I was going to go I hear my friends call me  name Sara and start to hug like I couldn't breath but then I was really hungry "guys I m hungry",I said as my friends laughed at me and and brought me in.
     I don't know what is happening everyone is preparing the table like someone is coming which is important we never to the table this fancy when we eat. I start to hearing the doorbell and everyone at once said go get the door Jimin, so I did but I really didn't wait that Sara their friends would be outside. I got really surprise and she want to go back until the girls came and hug her because she made it. As we went in we start to introduce the rest of BTS to her. Suga start and said hi I am Suga in English because Sara don't know Korean and then Jhope said who he is and so did they Jin hyung  and I was last which made me nervous but I said in English too "hi I am Jimin" and she just smiled and said in very cute accent "hi I am Sara and it nice to meet you guys and that how she will get revenge on her friend that didn't tell her anything about us to her", and RM told us in Korean and we start to laugh.
At the Dinner Table
As I was eating and start to ask question why they guys are here and Mira she start to explain and say that they are friends and how Jin and she is dating and I just look them cutely and Ritzy was dating also but with Jungkook and how they know each other for almost two and half years. I was happy for them Well as I was eating the  noddles like a little kid I caught Jimin eyes which where looking at me so sweet but then I stopped eat because I thought I eat to much so just I stopped.
*Omme so cute omg she eats so cute, the way she eat too I never seen girls eat like that*, but then she caught me staring at her and she stop which I start to eat and look way too. *Omg I made her feel uncomfortable about her eating, Jimin your so stupid ahhh get mad at myself.* *Jimin what is wrong with you, god this girl made me fall in love with her again*, never forget the days she talk to the girls and we special me was always behind the screen cause I just want to hear her voice and know her better but God she just right in front of me now* I got off my thought until Jungkook elbow me  and smirked at me like he know I was think of Sara. *I already know most of her life story and the biggest is that she was heartbroken because of this guys, one day she was crying so hard because of that jerk that I don't know him but I hate him anyways. As I don't know if she is ready to like someone else or is she still healing of the pain.* Okay guys who will wash the dishes today said Jin and I just got back to dinning table, so nobody uh so Sara volunteer to wash the dishes and Jungkook just elbow me to help her so I did. *I was happy cause I will be close to her *.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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