We left the room, and walked out the door of the hotel room, telling everyone we'd be back soon, and walked into the hallway. As we were walking Kameryn said, "you never even let me ask my question. What is hotel hunting?" Rydel and I smiled and I said, "it's this game we invented when we were super little, I was like 4 when we made it. We basically walk around the hotel, trying to find cool places like hangouts, an extra pool, something cool that's on a floor. It's really fun when you find out there is a celebrity in the hotel and you're trying to find what room they're in. She smiled and said, "sounds fun."

Rydel's POV~

We were now in the elevator riding up to the top floor which was like 20- something, it's a big hotel. Ry got out his phone and we all started taking pictures in the mirror. Ry put his arms around me and Kameryn and we all stuck our tongues out as we heard the click from his iPhone. He typed something in and we both heard our phones go off. W checked them and it was a notification from Twitter. Ry had tweeted it with the caption, "doing some hotel hunting with my favorite girls :P @rydelr5 @kamywamy_countrygirl". Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kameryn blush, type something in her phone, then put it back.

As we stepped out of the elevator Kameryn stopped in her tracks and turned to us with a grin on her face. "Omg guys, it's the last Saturday night in July!!" We both gave her weird looks and Ry said, "and?" She smiled really big and said, "it's an old legend of this hotel! In 1972 a women died on the 16th floor. The story goes, she was in her room alone and at exactly 11:46 at night, all the people in the rooms around her heard deathly screams coming from her hotel room. They all kept banging on the door, trying to get it opened, but it was no use, they heard the screams getting louder and louder but there was nothing they could do. When they finally got the manager up there with the key, they opened the door but it was too late. Everything in the hotel had been trashed, furniture was all knocked over, everything that was on the tables and counters was on the floor, broken. They saw her body falling from the balcony, she died as soon as she hit the ground, since she was on the 16th floor. But the weird thing is, no one else was in the room with her, so why was she screaming? Also, her body had landed in the middle of the street, if she had jumped, it couldn't have gotten past the sidewalk. Investigators say someone that was very strong, stronger than the average human must have thrown her with great force. There was no way possible she could have landed in the middle of the street just by jumping."

Ry and I both stood there with wide eyes. "So what happened, did they ever find who did it?" Ry asked. Kameryn shook her head. "There were no finger prints on her body or in the hotel room, and the room was only registered to her. The investigators checked every square inch of the entire room, then the hotel, they even put it on lockdown for the night, but they never found anyone." I'm freaking out here! "So what does any of this have to do with the last Saturday of July?" I asked, clearly scared out of my mind. "Oh yeah, it happened on the last Saturday of July. Every year on this day, they hold a short memorial downstairs in the ballroom. But some people don't go, some people do what the legend tells it to do. The legend says, if you go on the 16th floor at 11:46, you will either hear her screams, or if she likes you, you'll have Good luck. But if she dosn't like you, she'll throw you out the balcony of the same room she died in. I know it sounds crazy but over 15 people have died by falling, or being 'thrown' out of the window on that exact night in the past 40, or however many years it's been. And they always land in around the same spot she did, in the middle of the road. I don't know if it's people committing suicide to keep the legend alive, or if it's the girl herself."

We both stood there, jaws hanging open, and Ry broke the silence by saying, "coool!" Kameryn smiled and said, "we should go! I've only ever been to this hotel with my mom, sister, or Morgan, and they're all huge wimps so I never got to go, are you guys up for it?"

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