Part 13: We're Just Friends

Start from the beginning


A sudden hard force pinned Vladimir down and I looked. It was a fearful strong handsome man. I felt scared of him at the same time my heart danced wildly. The suit was a black tux with a rose on his chest pocket. A white necktie and all his hair – black with red highlights – went to the side. His face, his face, his face, his face it was hot: Daring, magnificent, eyebrows on fleek. There was a scar to his left eyes and his sclera was black. His iris was glowing blue and red, flaring, though his left iris was white. His appearance gave off the vibes that tells everyone he's a bad boy; a rebellious guy. The man bent down, arm on his knees, staring down at Vladimir and it made Vladimir yelped in pain. "Didn't see you there, Vlad." He sneered, and then grinned. His teeth were white and he possessed a sharp fang. Whoever this man is, he caught my heart. The people walking around stared at us and some laughed. "Vivaldi, get off me." Vladimir groaned in pain as he growls. "Oh. Look. I stepped on some shit."

Vivaldi...? He's Vivaldi... ?
"Fuck off." Vladimir glared and stood up, forcing Vivaldi to move. Vivaldi went away. He didn't bother saying hi or hello... or at least greet me with his eyes. He walked away gracefully and left us, his fancy heels clapped as he walks fast. Vladimir sighed and looked at me as he went back kneeling. "He's a jerk. Don't fall for him... though I knew, you've fallen for him." Vladimir chuckled and placed the other heels on my other foot. I blushed and smiled a bit. Vladimir stood up and offered a hand. I stared at his palm and noticed he was wearing a golden ring with the word "HER" on it. "I'll guide you along." He plastered the same genuine smile and my heart jumped. I reluctantly gave him my hand and he grabbed it, pulling me along the way. He passed the crowds easily because everyone seemed to look at him with fear, moving out of his way and some even bowed at him. they respect him so much. We paced through doors and arrived at a pair of incredibly large wooden gates. I didn't have time to ask. Vladimir pushed the gates like it was light and met Vivaldi face to face. "You're late." Vivaldi heckled, not looking at me. "Piss off." Vladimir groaned in frustration and pushed him away. I looked around to see 5 different people in formal outfit like Vladimir and Vivaldi.

"I see you've come, brethren." A voice echoed came from the guy wearing a white tuxedo and a black t-shirt inside, standing beside a woman with bunny ears and long white pony-tail. "Is she the one you mentioned?" the woman asked. The other three shot their eyes at me and I felt slightly embarrassed. I'm not an exotic animal; keep your eyes away from me. "She does resemble Minerva," a man in black robe approached me. "She looks weak." The woman with crazy fashion spoke and laughed. The last man, who was standing beside her, locked his eyes at me. He was blonde, clear blue eyes like the sky, wearing a black uniform with a large white cross at the middle like a sword, mandarin kind of collar, long sleeves which at its side were decorated by large cross of gold and white, black khaki and white formal shoes. "Believe me, she took down a demon," Vladimir placed his palms on my shoulders, "a Scradux." The 5 gasped and nattered in horror. "Show us, Vivaldi." One pointed at me. "Easy now, Regnard." Vladimir's voice boomed and echoes through the room. "She's not in the circus. Don't tell her to do thing." Vladimir addressed the claves informally as if they were his friends. "Then I don't believe what you've said. You probably brought an impostor," the man Vladimir called Regnard – wearing the black robe – said rudely and fixed his loose sleeves. The others nodded in agreement. "Silence," Vladimir roared. "Speak not if you do not trust. If we all trust God, The Almighty we couldn't see, therefore you should not judge of the words I've spoken." The others quiet down. Vladimir's atmosphere was somehow different. Everyone here respects him – exclude Vivaldi – and listens to him. He felt... powerful. But I couldn't handle it. I wanted to show the truth. "Vlady, it's okay. I'll do it."

"Vlady?" the woman who called me weak stared at me. "...what?" Regnard was dumbfounded. Vladimir's face turned pink, flushed, and cleared his throat. "Alice, Dear, it's fine if you do not want to."
"I'll do it. They don't believe you and I don't want people to think of you as a liar." Everyone doesn't believe him; I'll make them believe him. It's at least what I can do for him. I gently stomped – tried to refrain stomping loudly – and pulled Vivaldi by his necktie which surprised him and kissed him. Vivaldi didn't move. He stood there, frozen. Vladimir looked at me and sighed. "Kind Alice, You really don't have too..." He spoke as he chuckles. The rest of the claves gasped and some coughed, except the last man with uniform. I pulled away and wiped my lips with the back of my palm while Vivaldi stood there, still frozen. "Do you believe Vlady now?" I asked, rudely since they were rude to me and Vlad. They stared at me. "She's not... dying." The woman with bunny ears – which oddly it twitched – stared at me as if I were to be weird. "Are you two lovers?" Regnard asked and this slapped me hard across my face. A lump formed in my throat, my trachea felt like it was disconnected and my throat itself burned. My heart ached and ached and ached. I tried hard not to cry and my cheeks burned. "We're just fr...," my voice trailed off and hushed down, it suddenly became hard. I had forgotten how to speak. I tried again to speak 'we're just friends' but it was hard. Difficult. My jaws stopped working, my voice disappeared. I couldn't say it. My nose burned and my eyes felt wet. "We're jus-"
"They're just friends. You all knew how Vivaldi feeds off another soul and energy." I praised the Lord for letting me meet such a generous guy like Vladimir. "Enough of this topic and proceed on discussing the main subject." Vladimir pulled me and ushered me to a royal like chair. "Sit down, Alice."
Everyone looked at me as if they're asking 'why-is-she-sitting-over-there-?' "Oh right, I haven't introduced myself clearly, have I?" Vladimir smiled at me. "I'm the head of this household, the leader of the Clave Ministry. Vladimir Fontaz, the clave symbolizing the fire." He bowed. I felt shy all of sudden. I'm treating him like a close friend in front of his underlings. I made him help me wear the heels in front of his underlings. I called him Vlady in front of his underlings. Now, I'm sitting on his royal throne. "Let's get down to business now." Vlad brought his hands together. The rest of the claves sat down on each of their thrones and Vivaldi stood at the corner with his shoulder at the pillar.

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