Chapter 17

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Hello guys, how are you all :) it's been long I'm so sorry check out my wall for the reason. Someone pointed out that so far there have been no relational problems, so I'll focus on that a bit more.

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17th of June,144 days til the election

Gerald P.O.V

'Is this true? Are they actually saying that? Madness.' I say to the press director on the phone.

'Fox news seems to be quite sure about this story.' She says.

'But if this were true then... then it would be atrocious! The consequences would be enormous.' I say.

'Very true. But we gotta be calm, right now my entire department is going crazy; the amount of calls and attention we're getting is spiraling out of control, it's crazy.'

I get the hint and say: 'Right, I will appoint another team to conduct our own investigation. We have to get to the bottom of this.'

'Good luck, Gerald, I gotta go. I've got CNN on another line.'

Before I can say a proper goodbye the voice on the other end has died out.

What the actual hell is happening? Things are completely crazy all of a sudden. Literally one hour ago everything was calm but now once again the entire country is up on his feet.

I sigh and sit down while trying to contact Fox news to hear their story and sources. All around me people are making calls trying to find out what these accusations mean.

There is still a very big chance this is complete rubbish and just a publicity stunt. Let's keep that in mind, because let's face it. This story is very unlikely and probably not even true.

After all... fox news gotta be fox news.


David P.O.V

Ugh, all this publicity and all this unrest is making me tired. I know it's very important to catch the people who did and ordered this act of crime, but Fox news. Why the sudden throwing of mud. It's not like we have not had enough in the republican primaries with that tv guy running. Very glad he is out of the race.

Is there actually someone who really believes this story?

But when I walk through the hotel and pass the rooms of the campaign team, I notice that I'm just about the only one taking this situation so lightly.

Everyone is in straight panic, maybe this thing is more serious than I think.

But realistically, a candidate ordering his opponent to be killed? I'm not buying it. Certainly not since the other candidate is Abraham Johnson. He is a respectabele man.

If that crazy orange skinned guy, what's his name again, something like Daniel Turp (?) won the Republican nomination, I maybe, just maybe, would have believed this story. He would seem the person to think of a plan like this, but still.

But come on, I think it's just fox news trying to get attention back again. Don't you?

As I sit down in the lobby, I see the press standing outside of the hotel through the glass doors. Rain is pouring down on their faces and umbrellas. Desperately waiting for any reaction from anyone in the team about these accusations.

Although the chair I am sitting in is very comfortable I can't seem to settle down. I have the constant feeling I'm supposed to do something, that I'm forgetting something. But I can't seem to get behind what, it's irritating me.

After a while I see mom coming out of the elevator, mom and Gerald. Immediately my attention is drawn and I get out of my hanging mood in the chair. They are heading for the door with certain steps, something is definitely about to happen.

I get up and walk after them to the press outside. As soon as the press notices something was happening they all get excited again and start shouting questions, because, well that's just what they do. Isn't it?

Mom and Gerald step out the door and I follow. I see mom watch up the sky, only to see waterdrop after waterdrop heavily falling down from the heavens. She shakes her head, her speech will be brief.

'SILENCE!' Gerald's heavy voice proclaims. Soon enough the reporters shut up and his wish is forfilled. Next mom starts her little speech.

'Thank you all for waiting in the rain. I will not answer questions, but I do have something to say.

We have received news of the accusations made by Fox news regarding the attempt on my life. These are very serious accusations and we must not rush to conclusions without proper investigation.

The only thing I will say now is that, if these claims were to be true, which we do not know yet. It would be an awful disgrace to our democracy and to the American people. Thank you.'

Immediately after mom stops talking and turns around heading for the warmth of the lobby, the press starts making noise again, asking questions. Can they not understand she will not answer questions when she said she would not, Jesus christ.

'This should keep them off our backs for some time. Gerald, I want everybody on this. This is fricking big.' My mother says. Gerald just nods in response.

Walking back inside next to my mother and seeing the chair I was just sitting in, the thing I was forgetting comes up in my head; Jason!

Weren't we supposed to pick him up tonight? Because of all the commotion today we forgot! Dammit.

I must have said his name out loud, because Mom looks at me and says:

'Don't worry about him, I sent Andrew to pick him up from his grandparents' house. They will be here in 2 hours or so.'

I look up to my mom again. She is the best person in the world. It's almost impossible what she does. In the middle of this complete chaos in her team, utter and complete panic rules the minds, but she, she stays calm and sends a car to pick up her son's best friend.

Even her own son forgets it, but her mind is so clear and so focussed. Ofcourse she thinks of Jason.


18th of June,143 days til the election

Waking up in the morning and somebody is there. The smell of his perfume still stuck in the air.

Jason. He is here.

He arrived at the hotel very late last night. Chaos has erupted after the Fox news report. The police is checking everyone in the city centre and the whole town is on a little lockdown.

It took him and andrew ages to get past the controls and the traffic jams caused. They arrived so late that in fact I haven't really talked to Jason other than the casual 'How are you?' and a slap on the back.

I did promise him to go out tonight. I have not told mom yet, but I am sure she will be too busy to notice and by the way I am taking Kailey with us. So what can happen, right?


I hope you liked it! share this with all your friends and celebrate my comeback after like 3 weeks , oops lol. Did you see my niall reference in the end lol?

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