Chapter 10

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7th of June,154 days til Election day

David P.O.V

It has been quite a few hours since we got onto the bus, but since it's a 6 hour drive to Bismarck, North Dakota's capital, from Minneapolis I guess we will have to bear on for a another hour or two.

It's like 10 pm right now, so I will actually try and sleep for some time. Sleeping in a bunk for the first time!

I've always been one of those persons who could just fall asleep anywhere, so I'm not really that worried that this might be a problem.

Mom just has some trips and press conferences over here, and some meetings with supporters. Nothing special really.

What I am really excited for is that tommorow dad and Greg will join us on the tour, as well as that I get to meet my personal bodyguard!

As of this moment, I'm hanging on the couch, watching TV with my mother. We're watching a speech of Abraham Johnson, mom's opponent in the race for the presidency.

'The establishment has run this country for too long! This year the people will take back their government, they will see their wishes forfilled, and the lazy politicians will see what kind of people they are dealing with, Americans. The best people in the world!

I, Abraham Johnson, will bring you the best America we've ever seen!Marley Adams will take our country even further from itself! Vote Johnson for change!'

While his supporters cheer, I hear my mother mutter something under her breath:


I look at her with a smile. She is still the woman she was, running for president changes people. But it does not change how your mind is, and she is still my mother, who is harsh but loving at the same time.

I am a 100 percent sure she is the most competent person in the election to run the USA.

Luckily the polls show that a majority of the American electorate agrees with me. But it is really not a run race, the polls did go up for mom after the speech in Chicago. But Bigger leads than 11 percent have been lost in previous elections.

'Mom, I'm gonna test out if bunks are really that good as people say they are. Bye bye.' I see as I kiss her on the cheek.

'Bye David!'


Marley P.O.V

Finally Alone.

This is the first time I have been alone in a few days.

Although in a sense, I have been alone more. It might sound really weird, because of all the people that surround me every minute of every day, but I'm kinda feeling alone. You know, without Ron.

We do have a very good marriage, and everyone knows that. The Republicans did not even try to play the bad marriage card, because they know noone would buy it.

No Monica Lewinsky in our marriage.

Missing him, I'm happy he and Greg will be with us tommorow.

Although it has been great being with David for a few days, he is just such a sweetheart of a boy.

After an hour or two of watching stupid shows on tv I feel the bus is stopping, when I get up trying to flex my muscles I see through the window we've arrived at our hotel.

I hear over the intercom:

'Ma'am and David, please get ready to go to your hotel rooms in 4 minutes.'


David P.O.V

'David, honey. Wake up, David'

I groan mentally and physically, I don't wanna fucking get up. I wanna sleep, dammn it.

Did I tell I hate being woken up in the middle of the night? I probably don't have to anymore.

'Mom, I wanna sleep!'

'You can sleep in the hotel room in a few minutes. But you do have to get out now, we are in Bismarck.' My mom says with a loving but firm voice.

'Fuck it.'


8th of June,153 days til Election day


Mom is looking at me with asking eyes. I think I've missed something.

'I'm sorry, what did you say?'

'Would you pass the salt, please?' She says while pointing her eyes at her eggs.

'Er, yeah sure.'

'You aren't really awake, are you, David?'

'No, not really.' I say while thinking of last night.

I can't function well, when my sleep has been interrupted, I guess. Because man, I am tired.

'How late will Dad and Greg arrive?' I say.

'I don't know, you would have to ask Gerald. I don't think I'm gonna be there though, I will leave in half an hour and return late because I will be attending dinner at this organization I forgot the name of.' Mom says.

'Right.' I answer.

After breakfast I walk up to the table next to us, where Gerald is having breakfast.

'Gerald?' When I see he looks up I continue: 'Do you know when Dad and Greg arrive?'

'Er, Yes I do. They will be here in about 2 hours. They will be accompanied by your new bodyguard. She will also guard your brother by the way.' Gerald says.

'Great! Can't wait to see them!'

No P.O.V.

Somewhere in the suburbs

'Have you got it?' A man in black says.

Another guy tosses him a small black thing.

They smirk at each other, but it's not hard to see they are both nervous as hell.

'Yes, today is the day.'


Little bit short, but there is another chapter right behind this! Have fun reading that and please comment and vote!

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