Chapter 4

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4th of June,157 days til the election

David P.O.V

Radio anchor:

'Marley Adams and her 16th year old son, David, have just touched down on our own Chicago airport, a lot of supporters were gathered to catch a glimpse of the leading candidate in the race for the White House.

Latest polls show that she has a lead of about 5 percent to her closest chaser, Abraham Johnson.

There also was some specific attention towards the young Adams since this was the first time he was spotted in public with his mother since the running announcement came 11 months ago...'

As I listen to the car radio in the long SUV, that picked us up at the airport, I hear all about us and the events of tonight and tommorow.

I have talked a little bit with Austin, we agreed to do the take over tommorow. His job sounds interesting, I might want to ask him if he has some more stuff for me to do!

When I checked my phone 5 minutes later I already saw he announced the take-over on the accounts. I scrolled through some of the reactions. There was some hate, less than usual though, and some comments of girls even made me blush.

Austin spotted it and after he saw what I was blushing about he winked. He does not seem that much older than me, I don't think he has hit 25 yet.

'So tommorow night is the last time we fly in a while.' Gerald says ' after that we are doing a couple of states by tour bus, until we get to LA.'

LA! I never really realized that I was going to see almost all of America on this tour, especially not those big cities, that have names, that already make me shiver. LA!

'Mom, after you do the speech tommorow, can I come on stage to make some pictures and some videos with you for the social media thing?' I ask.

'That's a great idea, David!' Mom says 'Right, Austin?'

'Yeah I think it would be brilliant. Keep those ideas coming!' He says with a wink, he does wink a lot, well probably nothing special about it.

I contently lean back in my car seat with a smile and watch the sky scrapers fly by, while in the corner of my eye I see mom and Austin exchanging some content looks.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, every idea of sleep is driven away by this noice of a small mob, that reaches my ears. When I look out of the window I see the mob, standing in front of a seemingly very fancy hotel.

We stop in front of it, and as the door opens I can just hear the person, who did that say: 'Welcome to Chicago Mr Adams' before this enormous wave of flashing cameras hits me.


'I don't think I can ever get used to all these damn cameras.' I sigh. I don't get how the 1d boys keep up with it.

'You better do though, it's not gonna become less.' My mom says with a smile.

'By the way, which boys do you mean?'

'Er, nothing, doesn't matter.' I respond without looking in her not-understanding eyes.

After mom shook some hands and stuff, we posed together for some pictures, they will probably end up on the Internet very soon. We went to our shared suite on the top floor.

I did know mom would get a lot of attention during this tour, but I did not except that much attention for me, like really. Although I will be closer to the campaign than most possible first children have ever been, because I am somewhat of an adult, but still living with my parents. So it does kinda make sense the press is interested in me.


'Good evening, Mr Mayor.'

'Good evening, Mrs Adams. Welcome to Chicago.'

After they shake hands for an enormously long time, like these people always do that, why? I get they do it for pictures but Jeez a picture doesn't take that lang, don't shake hands for 20 fucking seconds, we get inside the city hall, where we will have dinner with the mayor and his family.

Since he is quite high up in the democratic party, he also announced he was running last year, but he got defeated quite early in the race by mom. It could be awkward, I certainly hope it is not.

He did announce he supported mom's candidacy, and for the cause of unity within the party, mom decided it would be good to be seen together. That is why mom decided the tour should start in Chicago.

I have never met any of them before, but the mayor's family seems quite nice. He has a young wife and three kids, of which 2 are here today. The other one must be too young or something.

'Would you like some champagne, sir?'

I wasn't really paying attention so I said:

'Sorry, what?'

'I asked if you wanted some champagne.' Some waitress said.

I thought about it, me and my friends never really drink, there was this one time at Jason's place when we had some beers, but I didn't really like it. But I heard champagne does not taste that bad, so I guess I could have some.

'Well, why not?' I say after looking at my mom askingly who just nodded.

After drinking the first sip I have this warm feeling spreading through my bones. Mmm, I actually like this stuff. I might have some more.

'Make sure, you don't have too much, David. Champagne can be nasty.' says the mayor in kind of a joking way.

'I won't.' I say with a forced smile.


As the evening progresses i seem to have forgotten his advice.

I did not have that much, but for a 16 year old kid who has little drinking experience. 4 glasses of champagne can be quite a damn lot.

I see the concerned look in the eyes of my mother. I know it's not right but it does feel right, it's this weird feeling that's taking over me.

Everyone is standing up all of a sudden, not sure why. But I do the same anyway, I look in my mother's eyes to some kinda explanation what to do right now. By the way she looks at me and then the glass of champagne and back, I get she wants to go before I embarrass her some more. So we say goodbye to the mayor's family and get to the door.

It's not like I have to be carried out but I would probably fall over if mom did not support me to the car. I hear her talking to me but it doesn't really reach my brain. It all just goes in my ears and then disappears...


Hello my friends :)
Hope you like this chapter, a little bit longer but I kinda like it. There will be some more drama in the upcoming chapters. Vote, comment and follow! Byeee

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