Act III - 54 How Far We've Come

Start from the beginning

Hmm... I have to wonder what else you'd ask... I guess...I guess it would be about kids, huh? We've definitely thought about it. We really considered it after Claudia had another kid—another little boy to match her first. They named him Federico, after their late elder brother. It's fitting, and he'll no doubt live up to his namesake. Ezio's wanted his own son ever since his first nephew was born, although I was hesitant at first. Once I spent more time with Claudia's kids, though, I came around to the idea, so we started to try. But.... I, ah... well... after two years... there's been... well, nothing. We've essentially come to think I'm barren. I wouldn't have thought it considering how fertile our family has been. I mean, hell, you have three siblings, Dad had two, and I have a ton of cousins and what not, but it seems like I can't have any. I'm not sure why. Or, I guess I have an idea why maybe why, but... without present day medicine, I'll never find out. I can only assume that I'm barren. And...It... it hurt. A lot. More than I thought it would, and I know it hit Ezio hard, too. At one point I thought maybe it might hurt US, but... we've stuck it through. He's told me it's alright and I believe him. He convinced me in his own way, although I know he still wants his own. I know I want my own, too, and I hate knowing I can't give us that. Maybe we'll adopt one day, I don't know... but... for now... for now we'll focus on work. Besides, the Auditore name is going to continue on. See, Claudia's kept her family name—Ottavio, her husband, took the Auditore name. He says it's because it sounds better than his own (we have a game of making up last names for him since he's refused to tell us; it's fun)—more noble, he says—but I know it's because he did it, in part, for Ezio and Mario, and Claudia, too. He wants to let our family name carry on, and we're all thankful for it. So the Auditore name and bloodline remains strong, even if Ezio can't help carry it on.

Heh... I didn't actually mean for this letter to get to so long, but four years is a lot to work through, isn't it? I need to work on writing more to you. Again, I'm sorry it's been so long, and I'm always sorry I left you... but, please know I'm happy here. I've found love and all it entails, and even if what I do is dangerous, know I'm happy. I wish I could say I'm coming home one day like I used to—back when I was sure the Clock would bring me home, but after all these years... I think it won't take me back. I think the god-thing I saw underestimated things or just said it to encourage me. And, well... don't hate me, but if given the choice... I'm going to stay. I have a life here with Ezio and everyone, and I don't want to lose it. I love him, and everyone else. I love you, too, Mom, so... please... don't be mad and don't be sad—I may not be with you anymore, but I'm happy. So, so, so, happy. I hope you'll be able to be happy for me, and keep going on with your life—to find your own happiness, too. I love you so much, Mom. I miss you, too.

Catherine paused in her scratching, eyes roving over the last few bits she had written. She pulled back some of her loose locks behind her ear as she set the quill down and leaned back in her chair. Her unbuttoned shirt—actually, it was Ezio's, but she'd stolen it when she'd gotten up—slipped some, but she left it be; content to lounge back lazily as she pondered. It hadn't taken her all that long to write everything, but her steam had died out some. Four years had gone by, and yet she could barely think of what all to write. One would think she could write an entire book, but she'd somehow summed up a life time in a few measly pages. It didn't seem right—didn't seem enough. She owed her mother more, but what was more was there to say? So much, yet so little had happened all those years.

The young woman chuckled softly, shaking her head some. Four years. It was so many. Even longer still since she'd come to this world. That had been at least eight, maybe nine years? She'd come at just nineteen years old, and now she was twenty eight, although she was happy to say she never felt it. It was so strange, in a way. Briefly, she wondered what her mom would say if she suddenly appeared before her as she was; nine years older, her body bearing new scars, her skin a shade darker, her hair shorter—or was it longer? She couldn't remember, but she knew she was a bit taller, and her body had become more feminine over the years. She was certainly more toned than when she'd come as well, and she had to laugh lightly at how her mother might react to see her in her Assassin gear, too.

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