Chapter 30

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"Annika!" Jamal shouts.
He dashes to her, but she shoots dark magic towards him.
"Jamal!!" Sami charges in from of him, saving him.
The dark magic hits Sami and Sami falls to the floor, dead.
"NO!!" Jamal screams.
Tommy blows the Mask off of Annika's head with magic.
Annika goes back to normal.
The Mask is destroyed.
"NO!!" Senkhara screams out. "YOU FOOLISH MORTALS! YOU WILL PAY!!"
Senkhara creates a storm of dark magic.
"Take cover!!" Annika shouts.
Hunter huddles over Sami's body.
Jamal and Elayna huddle together in the corner.
Tyler holds Danya close to him as he blocks her.
Annika and Tommy hold each other close while hiding.
Senkhara laughs maniacally. "YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!"
"We have to do something!" Tommy says to Annika. "If we join powers, we can defeat her!"
"Okay!" Annika agrees.
Annika and Tommy stand.
Senkhara grins.
Tommy grasps Annika's hand as they create a huge source of magic.
"That's not possible!!" Senkhara exclaims.
The magic goes bigger and bigger until Annika and Tommy shoot all of it at Senkhara, turning her to nothing.
The storm disappears and everything goes back to normal.
"The Mark!" Elayna exclaims. "It's gone!"
"It's over!" Danya smiles.
"We did it!" Annika gasps.
They all hug.
"Guys!" Hunter calls, gesturing to Sami's dead body.
Jamal runs to her and tears start streaming down his face.
"Sami..." He cries out. "Please don't do this to me.."
"There might be a way to bring her back."Tommy says. "If Annika and I join powers, we will have enough power to heal her."
"You can only heal with the Sorcerer and the Sorceress TOGETHER?" Annika asks.
"Yeah." Tommy replies. "We can heal Sami and revive her, but there's a price.. there will be a sacrifice. Someone else will die when she comes back. And there's no turning back."
"I don't care." Annika says. "Sami didn't deserve what she got. We will all take the fall for her right?"
Everyone nods.
"Well I don't really wanna die.." Tyler begins.
"Tyler!" Danya scolds.
"Let's do it." Annika faces Tommy.
They touch hands, creating magic that heals Sami.
Sami bolts up with a gasp.
"Sami!!" Jamal pulls her into his arms. "I'm so happy you're okay! You didn't have to save me!"
Sami smiles. "I didn't want to live with you dead."
Annika looks around and everyone's fine.
"No one's dead!" Annika gasps. "We might be safe!"
They all smile.
Meanwhile, Mark and Savanna arrive back at Hades House after the hearing.
"I have to talk to you about something." She says.
"Of course." Mark smiles. "What is it?"
"I think we should break-"
Before Savanna can finish, dark magic swarms around Mark.
When the magic fades away, Mark falls.
"Mark!!" Savanna catches him. "What just happened?!"
"I'm dying.." Mark croaks.
"No.." tears build up in Savanna's eyes. "No.. this.. this can't be happening! I'll call the police!"
Mark grips Savanna's hand. "Just know that I love you. So much."
Savanna cries. "I don't want you to go.."
"Goodbye, Savanna. Don't mourn on my loss. Celebrate on the legacy I lived."
"I will. I'll do it just for you. I love you."
Mark takes his last breath as his eyes close.
Savanna breaks down into tears.
The rest of the Hades House students come in and see.
"Mark!" Danya exclaims.
She cries and runs into Tyler's arms.
"What happened?!" Jamal cries.
"It was almost like.. magic.." Savanna says through tears.
"He was the sacrifice.." Annika says. "It's our fault Mark is dead."
The House of Hades has a party at the house celebrating the last day of school.
Everyone plays games and has fun.
Savanna speaks up. "Can I please have everyone's attention? It's been 1 month since Mark passed. I miss him so much.. he didn't deserve what he got.. it's like something was torn out from me. It's like the finishing piece of the puzzle was taken out. And my puzzle isn't complete anymore. But I loved him, and I promised him I wouldn't mourn. I promised him I would move on and be happy. He doesn't want to see me sad. He wants me happy. So let's dedicate this party to Mark!"
Everyone cheers.
"Hello, Hunter." A voice says to Hunter from behind.
Hunter turns and smiles when he sees his dad.
Grace enters. "They released him from prison, the hearing worked!"
They all have a family hug.
Savanna smiles as she watches.
"Hunter.." Grace says. "Since dad is back, he's gonna be moving back home. And I want to be able to see him and get to know him more. So, I'm moving back home and I won't be going to this school anymore. Would you like to join?"
Hunter faces Savanna. "I would. But there are some things that are worth staying for."
Grace nods. "I understand. Bye."
Grace hugs Hunter and leaves with her dad.
Savanna goes to Hunter. "You're staying for me?"
"You know what feelings I have for you, Savanna." Hunter says. "And I'm not giving them up."
Hunter and Savanna pull each other into a kiss.
They smile.
Meanwhile, Tommy and Elayna hang out.
"So, you have magic.." Elayna says.
Tommy nods. "How's that for a boyfriend advantage?"
They laugh and dance together.
Tyler goes to Danya. "Wanna dance?"
"I want to start things over." Tyler says. "Just work on your mood swings."
Danya smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
They smile and dance together.
Jamal goes to Sami. "Wanna dance?"
"No." Sami says.
"What, why?"
"I'm not the girl you're supposed to be dancing with. Annika is."
"What do you mean?"
"It's the last day of school, Jamal. It's time for your decision. I know you love her more, so choose her. Go find Annika and tell her you choose her."
"Thanks for understanding." Jamal smiles.
Jamal hugs Sami and leaves.
He goes to Annika. "I choose you."
"What?" Annika asks.
"After all this time, I still have yet to get over you. We were broken up for almost all year and I never got over that. My love for you will never die. I choose you."
Annika pulls Jamal into a kiss.
They smile.
"I take that as a yes?" Jamal asks.
Annika pulls Jamal onto the dance floor and they dance.
The next day, the taxis arrive to take everyone home for the summer.
Everyone says their goodbyes.
Tommy goes to Annika. "See you next year, Sorceress. Maybe we'll save the world again."
"Maybe.." Annika smiles.
Tommy walks away after giving Elayna a hug.
Annika, Jamal, Danya, Elayna, Tyler and Sami gather.
"Sibuna." They all says, doing the Sibuna Signal.
They smile and break apart.
But Annika, Jamal and Danya stay.
"I'll see you guys next year." Annika says.
"I can't believe next year is Senior Year." Jamal says.
"Our last year at Harwood." Danya says.
"And I can't wait to spend it with you guys."Annika states.
They all hug and depart.
Annika goes to her taxi.
She takes one last look at the house and smiles.
She gets in the car, leaving the House of Hades.

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