Chapter 13

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Jamal, Danya, Tyler and Hunter arrive back at the house with Trudy.
"Guys!" Savanna exclaims when she sees them.
"Trudy! What happened?!" Sami exclaims.
"Vera is the killer!" Trudy exclaims. "Call 911! She's dangerous!"
Later, the police arrive and arrest Vera.
"You'll pay for this!" Vera screams as she's arrested.
Sibuna gathers in Annika and Danya's room.
"Good job on saving Trudy, guys." Annika says to Jamal and Danya. "Now she's staying at Hades House as our housemother again!"
"Yay!!" Tyler cheers.
"Can we please just focus on finding the reflectors?!" Elayna asks.
"About that!" Jamal smiles. He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to Annika. "I found a list in Victor's office of where he hid the reflectors!"
"Brilliant!" Annika exclaims. "One's in the attic, one's in his office, and the last is in the basement."
"I'll look in his office." Jamal says.
"Elayna and I will look in the basement."Annika says. "Danya and Tyler look in the attic. Go."
In the office, Jamal looks around until he finds Victor's pocket watch on the desk.
"Yes!" He exclaims.
He runs out.
In the basement, Annika and Elayna look around.
"Why'd you have to volunteer for the basement?" Elayna groans.
"Look!" Annika sees Sarah's doll. "The glass eye has the Hades symbol on it!"
"It's a reflector!" Elayna shouts in joy. "Take it!"
Annika takes the eye out. "Let's get out of here.."
In the attic, Danya and Tyler look around.
"What would a reflector look like?" Tyler asks.
"Anything that contains glass, idiot." Danya rolls her eyes.
"What about the window?" Tyler asks. "It has the Hades symbol on it."
"That's probably the first thing you've done in your life that's productive." Danya says as she breaks the glass and grabs a piece.
"Danya!" Tyler shouts.
"What?" Danya says. "It's not like we'll get caught!"
"You rebel!" Tyler runs away.
Everyone meets back in Annika's room with the reflectors.
"We got all of them!" Annika says. "We'll go into the tunnels tonight!"
"Uh, Annika-" Elayna says. "Look at this article about you on the newspaper..."
Annika reads it;
Even though Annika seems like a really nice girl. She's not. She does cruel things. She cheats, she lies, she steals people's boyfriends, she even ditches school to go do secret stuff with her friends! Don't talk to her, I'm warning you.. everyone that comes around her gets in danger.
-Jack Jackal'
Annika starts to cry. "Who IS this monster?"

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