Little White Lies (Liam Payne Fanfiction.)

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A/N: There might be lots of spelling errors in here. I plan on coming back and fixing them when I finish this book. I would love Comments and reviews from all you lovely people. IT WOULD MEAN TONS 

Alexa has grown up with a loving family and happy parents. She had everything a little girl wanted. (Except for the really expensive things) But when he mother died her father turned into a crazy drunk and drug user. He takes his anger out on his daughter, whenever he can. When Alexa meets a Liam Payne, she warms up to him the best anyone could. Alexa feels like she can tell him anything, but about her father. Liam starts finding bruises every where. Will Liam save her from her abusive parent? Or will he ignore the bruises and loose her to death?

Little White Lies (Liam Payne Fanfiction.) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now