Chapter 2: The Start

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A girl was sleeping soundly on her bed. He head was rested on her arms. At that very moment something moved from the shadows. It approached, coming closer and closer and.......BANG!

Mizuki slamed her hand on Yazuhawa's desk. Yazuhawa sprang up.

"M-Mizuki chan! You startled me!" Yazuhawa exclaimed trying to catch her breath. She place her hand over her chest and breath in and out.

"Can't believe you're sleeping during break! Come on, let's find something to eat!" Mizuki suggested and dragged Yazuhawa all the way outside. They zoomed into the cafetaria and then into the lawn where Mizuki dropped Yazuhawa under a tree. After that Mizuki plopped down and handed her one sandwich.

"T-thanks Mizuki, T-That was f-fast" Yazuhawa said as she placed her hand on her head. Her eyes were spinning.

"Look at you, you look like and idiot doing that face" Mizuki face palmed and Yazuhawa giggled.

When Yazuhawa took out her water bottle to take a drink. A scream and tons of girls ran into the same destination. Surprised of the screamed Yazuhawa's water spit out of her mouth and onto Mizuki's face. Mizuki wiped her face annoyingly.

"S-Sorry Mizuki chan" Yazuhawa apologized and used her handkerchief to clean her Mizuki's face.

"What's with the ruckus?" she asked.

Mizuki rolled her eyes, "can't you see the cold phantom in the crowd?"

Yazuhawa stressed her eye and concentrated on the crowd. In the middle were Kuroko. She saw him gritting his teeth in irratation and clenching his fist.

"Kuroko kun I made you a bento!"

"Are you free this Sunday?"

"What's your favorite type of girl Kuroko kun?"

"Marry me Kuroko kun!"

Kuroko squeezed out of the crowd and ran away. However, those fangirls kept tailing on him.

"What stubborn people!" Kuroko muttered to himself. He didn't hate attention but he didn't like it too. Feeling his irritation has worked up to it's limit he stopped and abruptly turned around. Surprised at his actions the girls stopped.

"Do you girls know what privacy is? I don't like girls who tail around the guy they hardly knows about and wanted him as much as food. I reject you all!" Kuroko yelled at them and walked off.

The girls sulked. Kuroko's words were like knives that stabbed their heart.

"Kuroko kun hates us" one girl muttered. She started to tear up.

That bastard! Hurting a girl's feeling like that! I'm gonna teach him some lessons

Yazuhawa stood up and stomped to where Kuroko is. Kuroko was lieing down on the school's top floor. On top of the entrance way to the school's deck he slept. The sun gave him warmth from the chills of the cold breeze.

"I thought he went up here" a girl"s voice said and Kuroko sprang up to see the owner of the voice. Beneath him Yazuhawa was standing at the door scratching her head.

"Oh it's just Yazuhawa" he said and signed before lying again.

Yazuhawa shreiked. She grunted and climbed the stairs.

"There you are lazy boy! Get up and apologize to those girls" She scolded.

"I have no intention to do so" he replied yawning.

Yazuhawa felt angry and stomped her foot.

"You said mean words to them Kuroko Tetsuya! They liked you but you showed no interest in them at all. You were disinterest on them because of their physcotic behaviour. But they just want your attention!" Yazuhawa yelled.

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