5. Naaaaaya

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=5:20am, 7th of February 2016=



"Sweetheart, why do you sound so surprised?"

"I thought... you weren't going to call."

"Why wouldn't I? I've to hear your beautiful voice, don't I? Add in a little spice of vulgarities and I'll be swell for the morning." [He throws in a laugh, followed by some crunches of something sounding like toasted bread]

"I'm sorry I cursed at you the other day."

[Silas stops eating]

"Whoa, whoa, sweetheart. Do you think the reason for my untimely absence yesterday was because you cursed at me?"

"Yeah? I mean you cut the line and you said you hated vulgarities and to be honest, the last thing I want right now is to piss of a stranger."

"Naya, I was joking. Anyway, I got called in for an earlier flight in the morning because some idiot decided it was alright to get hammered the night before."

"Oh, okay..." [Naya is slightly embarrassed, the colour in her cheeks reddening a little. Of perhaps it was due to the freezing temperature.]

"Besides, if it's anything, I love your crass, vulgar personality. It's charming."

[Naya scoffs and rubs her neck] "Someone's got a sweet tongue."

[Silas crunches on more bread]

"Only for you, Naya."

Clinomania Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora