Chapter 9

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This is it. Everything froze in time. You could feel it breathing on your neck and it's presence was towering you. You couldn't look behind you because you knew if you moved, it was best not to unless you want to die. You felt you teeth chattering and hands shaking from what this thing can do to you.

"Did you actually think you would get away? Silly girl, it's far too late for that... He he he", you hear it's raspy voice near your ear.

It sounded deep and broken, not human at all. You could fee his grin get wider as he stepped closer to you, teasingly tip toeing until you felt his cold and hard chest. Your eyes widened as you brought your arms to your side, waiting too see if he'll do anything. Tears start to fall as you shook in fear of what this thing might do to you.

"Look what you got yourself into Y/N, you idiotic defenseless girl, you had the chance to escape this place but instead you stayed."

He slowly reached his hand out and grabbed your arm with a harsh tug, squeezing it with all its strength, nearly causing you to lose your balance.

"Not many last long well except those who stayed longer but you... won't simply give up. No matter... you eventually give yourself in to us and once you do......."

With rage he twisted your arm and brought it up all the way to shoulder blade, pressing more pressure against you to the wall. The cinder wall was squishing your body, the rough surface leaving a bruise on your cheek.

"You'll become one of us, as our new pet, you can't escape Y/N, everything you have ever hoped for the future is gone, no one will remember you, you'll be forgotten like us."

A yelp slipped from your lips as he kept pulling your arm up, nearly breaking your arm. You tried to escape his grip but he was far too strong. You had to escape, enough is enough. This thing was talking nonsense and this was frightening you to the point where you want to crawl away from this place and never come back. That's exactly what you're going to do.

"No... I won't let you do this!" you cried, letting all your anger on him.
This caught him by surprise as he never heard you spoke, intending to not have the courage to talk. He merely chuckled from your weak attempt but you still kept squirming out his grip. He loosened his grip on you and carefully put your arm down
before you forcefully tugged your arm away from him and turned to meet him full view. You couldn't figure out what or who was in front of you but you could make out the familiar build of the scabby robot you saw earlier, the one that knocked you out and kidnapped you.

"Y-you?, it was you this whole time!" You screeched horrifically as the thing in front of you covered his ears in irritation but you didn't care. This thing didn't had ears at all.

"Of course stupid, who else did expect?, I was that creepy and dull robot you unfortunately taken you and left that thrombin bruised on your forehead" the animation is declared and gave out a sinister chuckle.

His chuckle left you frozen in fear, shivers ran down your spine and looked at him with widened eyes as if you were a deer about to get hit by a car. He then looked at you with  a intimidating smile, walking closer to you as you took a few steps back.

"I suggest you be a good girl and do as I say, Candy and his gang are waiting for you.

What was he thinking?, he believes I would be a obedient enough to go follow him to those other animatronics!?

Not gonna happen...

You turned away and ran towards to the the other side of the room, not looking back at the creature behind you. Stamina may be low but you kept running and didn't care if your body wanted you to stop and lower your speed. You just had to get out here. Soon enough, loud and heavy clanking footsteps were speeding towards you from a distance as it continues to get closer.

"You stupid girl! Didn't you get the message!? You won't escape!, you'll never leave us!!"

His deafening shouting ringed through the large dark room, causing you to increase your speed. There was no one else to go but no where since the only exit you knew was in the front of the room with a pass code, but the problem is that you didn't knew the passcode. You were running away from the thing that knew the code.

I'm not going to go back I got to find another exit around but I can't seem to  find one in here.

Suddenly you felt a sharp pain around near your ankle, the pain lingering in to cause you to slow down and stop where you were. You must've have twisted it while running non stop and now the the thing behind you was catching up quickly.

"That's it!, stay right where you are and don't move!, you won't be getting away this time!

His screams were nearby and soon enough his footsteps were following behind you, making you shake in fear as he is getting closer and closer and closer...

"Crap! What do I do? I need to get out of here but how"

Struggling to catch your breath, your eyes wander around the darkened room to find at least something to help you. You limped over to the right a bit to search in front of you and slowly upon your vision,  you can make out a small vent that is slightly opened from the entrance door. It's screws were loose and the entrance was the right size for a human to crawl in, although it wasn't enough space to quite fit in your body but it was the only solution.

You bolted towards the vent, ignoring the pain on your ankle and the screeching from behind and crouch down. With all your might, you pulled out the loose door, throwing it aside and lowered yourself to get inside. You managed to get in without a problem and kept crawling in until your legs were the last ones to enter. It was a bit stuffy,  hot and so much dust has gathered up all over your face but mindlessly didn't care for that for you had to escape from the chaotic robot. As you continue to crawl your way in, you felt a tug from your leg and then a force like grip attached to your leg, trying to pull you out. Your body was then being dragged towards the entrance and helplessly trying to push yourself forward, your fingers sliding down to get away from the road it that held your leg.

"I said you wouldn't escape and that's what's going to happen! Candy needs you, we all need you!

This allowed you to get your stamina back and kicked with your good leg to his arm while you heard him loose his balance and fell with a thud. You helplessly crawl all the way until you manage to go far away from him. The pain now lingers from the tight grip he had in you when he tried to pull you out.

What was this all happening to you?
Why would they want you? The robot sounded distressed and hurt when he yelled that they needed you, but why?

All these questions left you to burst in tears as you continue to crawl to who knows where. The vents were like an endless maze of misery but you had you had to keep going.

You were done, you couldn't handle this job anymore. It's over. I'm never coming back here. Someone else who's capable of handling this can take it.

I just can't come back to this nightmare house anymore

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