Chapter 8

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"What took you so long?, I told you to grab her when she was tramatauized in fear, not interact with her!" A mechanical voice screeching at the animatronic in front of him.

"Hey settle down Mr. Whiskers, I captured her and that's all that matters and I didn't had to force her out" a voice replied, monotone.

"Idiot, you useless robot you can't do anything right, I need her awake but no, instead we have unconscious girl. I can't wait any longer! AND STOP CALLING ME MR. WHISKERS!!"

"Brother, calm down why didn't you get the girl yourself? " a feminine voice chirped.

"I already told you, I had to think of a plan for him and to make sure she was the right one, I couldn't just pick some random human off from here"

"My apologies brother, but what I need you to do right now is to calm down-

"Don't tell me to calm down sister this worthless trash can't do a single thing I tell him.... I swear one day I'm going to cut hi-

"Woah there pussy cat, looks like someone needs to chill down" the voice from earlier sneered.

"I am going kill you....."

The female companion tried to calm them down" Please you two that's enough."

"PFFFFT- To late for that!" the voice mocked.

"You son of a b_!!!!!!"

"Those two need to shut up, I swear to god it's going to be the end of me, oh wait it already has..." a deep voice piped from the background before returning back to his small stage.

Rusted pipes dripped revolting water on to the dull and dilapidated floor, making the floor even more disgusting than usual. Darkness overwhelmed the entire room, not a single light to illuminate the room. Eerie silence filled the room except for the small drip- drops of water hitting the floor. It was past four in the morning only two hours until the place opens, but it can't with the keys. A body laying flat on the ground near the corner of the room with her arms sprawled on her sides with dried blood from the event earlier. A fresh open wound spilled blood on the side of the girls head all the way to floor where lies a small puddle of blood.

A groan of pain escaped from the females lips and slowly adjusting her vision as she tries to comprehend what happened. She eventually positioned herself by bending her elbow and carefully stood up before balancing herself. The poor girl was suffering from the wound and the headache made it worse for her.

"Oh god, why must this happen to me...." whimpering in pain, you pressed on the wound and pit pressure on it to stop the bleeding which it didn't help much.

"I have to get out here but.... how?" Your eyes wander around the room to look for any sort of exit but no alas, there was none. Just the empty dark room you could only see. Upon your vision was rows of dusty boxes and old parts of what you assume was used for the animatronics. Nothing useful there.

"Great... now what am I going to do" grumbling in anger, you tip toed a bit and carefully trying to find a way out in the dark. After walking around, the room didn't seem to hold in a door or some sort exit. You also had to be careful to not run into those robots since the incident that happened in the office. What was his name?... oh yes. Blank.

"Damn that robot"

*Bang* *Bang* *Screeeeech*

What was that!?

A loud bang came from the left direction followed by a ear ripping screech. It lasted a few seconds until huge footsteps were coming close to your direction. Whatever it was, it gave out a scary aura and the footsteps were getting closer and closer, frightening you. This thing was huge and it's footsteps did not stop as it continue to where you were.

"I need to get out of here!"

You turned to the right and ran over to a dark corridor only to find nothing to help you escape. You only had a minute until it gets here before that thing gets here but there was nothing around to help you. You turned around and went back where you last stood and noticed the boxes over by the pipes and decided to hide there.

You picked out an empty box large enough for you to hide and covered yourself enough for that thing not to see you. Heavy, metallic footsteps can be heard from the dark room and a loud screech reached your ears as it descended with a loud bang. Startled, you covered your mouth from making any noise and held still, not moving an inch. The thing then started to wander around the dark room to one location to another and you heard it rummaging through a few boxes away from you. It was looking for you.

It felt like hours as you sat inside the box, waiting for that thing to leave but it did not. It stopped looking for you and continued to walk around the room in slow paces. This made you highly confused whether it gave up or if it was trying to trick you to try to get you out of your hiding place. You weren't the type of person to easily get tricked and instead stayed inside the box but that didn't help either.  You could barely breath and you started to sweat from the heat radiating in the box.

"Oh god.... I wish I had a water bottle with me"

This could not last any more. You had to leave right away. From this box, from that thing, from here. This place is dangerous, it is not safe and it only took you two days to change its image into a place where it lingers murder and blood. You were going to make run for it.

"Alright all I need is to be quiet"

You quickly lifted the covers of the box and peeked, breathing in the cool air to relief yourself

"Carefully exit the box"

Quietly standing up, you carefully glancing around you to see if that thing was there, luckily it is the other side of the room near where you one were knocked out.

"And RUN for it!!!"

You ran towards where you heard the loud screech and didn't bother looking back. You were pretty sure the thing heard you as you heard it's footsteps coming to where you were. You focused what was in front of you, a huge door nearly towering you. You frantically searched for something that moght close tje door, your hands hovering at the door and felt small buttons and pressed on one and came out a beep. Your eyes darted to the noise and noticed a passcode was needed for the door for the 10 digit pad. You were screwed.

"Well lookey here, looks like miss security guard isn't going anywhere soon~

Oh no....

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