Chapter 5

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You had woken from your nap which lasted a few hours, blaming the growling stomach that disturbed your sleep. Right now you were in a sitting position and had your legs sprawled out, not in the mood to get up but your mind commanded to get up and eat something before you can watch some Netflix in your room for the whole day and to get ready for work.

You slowly got up from your bed and looked at your alarm clock sayings it's 2:34. During that time is when your father works and mom stays home until around after noon approaches she gets ready for work.

"Should I start with a shower or with some late breakfast?, You asked yourself but your stomach picked the second choice. As you exited out your room and descended from the stairs, your mother was cleaning the living room, already mopped and vacuumed the floors, moved around some things that she may not wanted in the first place and sprayed some air freshener for the whole house to smell nice. Currently she is wiping off some dust that is enthralled in the television and around the small desk.

"Hey mom" you greeted her as you walked towards the kitchen and settled down in the kitchen table.
"Hello Y/N, how was your nap sweetie? Did you gets some rest so you have plenty of energy for tonight? She questioned and walked towards you with a smile.

"Well, it was an okay nap and yeah I have plenty of energy for tonight." You smiled back at her, not telling her that you want to quit the moment what you had experienced from last night. She wouldn't believe a single word you said about the animatronics wandering around at night and one who supposedly was going to attack you at night.

"I'm glad you had found a job that you will be doing this summer because really hun you need to get out more, it's not healthy for you to stay indoors all the time in front of the tv and your mobile device." She gave you a concerned look knowing that you didnt like going out much but she wanted you at least have something to distract yourself instead of something that involves with technology. "Besides you need your rest and this job will help you to not be on the damn phone all the time so you would tire yourself and have some rest. I rather have you sleeping all day then being on the phone all night.

"I know Mom" as you got up from the table and grabbed a plate from the dish rack while giving her a side glare. "I understand that its not only about collage but instead I need to get out more and some fresh air and such, I get it." You muttered as served yourself some f/b and a cup of orange juice to go along with it.

Your mother also got herself some juice, sat down with you and took a sip and reached out towards your hand and gave it a light squeeze. " Y/N... me and your father will there for you okay? It's a bit hard for you to get use to the job since the one at supermarket didn't work out for you. Just have some confidence in your self. And squeezed your hand harder with affection.

" Thanks mom, I'll be there to support you and dad too. And I'll give you some money if you guys need an-".

"NO!" she yelled and widened her eyes when she notice her tone of voice startled you both. " N-no, shaking her head "that's your money, your earned it you need it for when you go to collage. "You work hard enough to receive the payment once your done the shift for a week.

You simply nodded and got up to put the dish in the sink.

" I'm going to take a shower and maybe watch some Netflix I'll see you later mom" as you went up the stairs, towards your room.

" That's fine with me as long as you get ready for work tonight and don't forget text and ca-"

"Yes mom, I know call or text you or dad for anything, I survived my first night, you don't have to worry. Well you barely made it.

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