Chapter 38 The Final Battle

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Chapter 38 The Final Battle

I’ve never really done this on most of the chapters, but I used a lot of text out of the Deathly Hallows in this chapter, so here it goes:

Nothing but Ginny’s thoughts in this chapter belongs to me! Everything is from the unbelievable imagination of Joanne Rowling, the Queen!!!

The Great Hall was so chaotic I could barely believe my eyes. While Hermione, Luna and I were fighting Bellatrix, I could see George and Lee slam Yaxley into the ground, Flitwick cause Dolohov to fall to the ground with a girlish scream, and Hagrid throwing Macnair across the room, making him slam into the stone wall and slide to the ground, unconscious.

 But it was so hard to try and keep and eye out for my family when I had an insane woman trying her hardest to kill me. Her wand sliced through the air dangerously like a sword, making everyone keep a good distance away from her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the pale man whom I loathed with all my being duelling McGonagall, Slughorn and Kingsley. If I thought Bellatrix was talented at duelling, she was nothing compared to Voldemort. He was fighting three of our best duellers, and still easily beating them. I hoped somebody would go and help them, or all three would be dead soon.

As a killing curse flew by me, only missing me by an inch, I saw Mum stop her duel with a Death Eater, and make her way over to us. She sprinted, moving faster than I would have ever imagined Mum could have. She knocked a few people over as she came over to us… one a scruffy, black haired boy… but it couldn’t have been Harry. Surely there were plenty of people with black hair. (I know Harry was under the invisibility cloak then, but I just wanted to add that in)

“NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!” Mum shouted with ferocity that would scare away a lion. But Bellatrix didn’t think so as she roared with laughter.

Mum threw off her cloak and pushed Hermione, Luna and I out of the way.

“OUT OF THE WAY!” she screamed to the spectators who had gathered around nervously.

Mum began the duel with a swipe of her wand, and Bellatrix’s smile faltered. Streams of light flew from both of the wands, and my hand itched to my own, wanted to help Mum, but not knowing how. She seemed very capable, but I didn’t like seeing her up there by herself. The jets of light crackled with power and I realised they were both fighting to kill.

I began to shuffle forwards slightly, but stopped when Mum cried, “No! Get back! Get back! She is mine!”

Nearly everybody had stopped fighting now, and lined up against the walls, watching to two fights going on – Mum and Bellatrix, and Voldemort and his three opponents.

“What will happen to your children once I’ve killed you?” Bellatrix taunted. I knew she was just trying to seem brave, because everyone who was watching could see Mum had just as good a chance at Bellatrix of winning the duel. “When Mummy’s gone the same way as Freddie?”

I screamed bloody murder at her when she said that. How dare she taunt us about something so real and hurtful? I could see George leaning against the wall for support and staring at Bellatrix with such hatred that a saying came to mind, ‘if looks could kill’. If that saying was true – oh how I wished for it to be true – Bellatrix would be lying on the ground without a single thread of life left in her body.

“You – will – never – touch – our – children – again!” Mum screamed so loud, I had to cover my ears.

Mum’s wand cut through the air fiercely, and Bellatrix’s face froze. The light of the curse soared right into her chest. Her exhilarated laugh muted and her eyes bulged as she toppled to the ground. I cheered along with many others. Voldemort, on the other, screamed in anger. He had lost his most faithful servant.

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