Chapter 20 Writing to Harry

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I posted 2 chapters in the one night (because I felt bad about this one being so short and boring), so don't get confused! make sure you read the previous one before this one :)

Chapter 20 Writing to Harry

I sucked on my eagle-feather quill and frowned at the parchment in front of my, willing it to tell me what I should write. I sighed and dipped the quill in ink and let it linger over the paper.

I shut my eyes and pictured Harry in my head. His laugh, the twinkle in his beautiful emerald eyes, the way his forehead would furrow when he was concentrating, everything.

I opened my eyes again and began to scribble some words down on the parchment, finally forgetting my pride and letting words flow from my heart.

Harry, I wrote.

It seems like forever since I saw you last and it’s been an absolute nightmare without you. I want you here to assure me everything’s will be okay, that it will all work out in the end. But no matter how much somebody tries to assure you of something like that, it may never be truthful. I have realised that know.

I miss you, Harry. I don’t know if you miss me or even think about me, but I will miss you until the moment I feel your arms around me again.

This letter has turned soppy, and that’s not me, so I’ll stop with all that and get onto the things I really want to say.

Hogwarts has turned into hell, yes, but I won’t stop trying to fight the evil. Neville, Luna, the DA and I will drive them out of this school and give the students and teachers alike encouragement and strength to fight them too. We won’t stop trying. I will keep fighting this war until I die and never stop.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, you stay strong. Remember that even though your mission – whatever it is – is important, your life is valued at much more.

I miss you, Harry.

Lots of love,


I set the quill down and scrunched up my nose at the soppiness of the letter. Never did I think I would even think the words that I had just written.

I folded the letter and put it at the bottom of my trunk. Even though the letter was addressed to Harry, I would never actually let him read it. Never. I just wrote it for me - to make me feel better.

Yes, boring, I know! I needed a filler chapter but whenever I write them, they turn out boring... hahaha!!

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