Chapter 23 Dinner With The Order

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Chapter 23 Dinner With The Order

The smell of freshly cooked bread wafted into my small and familiar bedroom, making my mouth water. Hogwarts food was nice, but there was nothing like having a Molly Weasley dinner.

I combed my hair through quickly and threw it into a quick ponytail, and jumped up to greet the Longbottoms who had just arrived at the front door.

“Neville!” I beamed, giving him a hug. I greeted Ms. Longbottom politely and invited them both inside, getting pleasure from seeing there mouths slack from the smell of the mouth watering food.

“Ah, nothing like a Molly Weasley dinner!” Mrs. Longbottom boomed, echoing my previous thoughts. She ducked into the kitchen to see Mum and I led Neville into the lounge room. I sat on the lounge and adjusted the wireless. Neville leaned in eagerly.

“Potterwatch?” he asked and I nodded. We had both discovered Potterwatch, the station following the Order and Harry’s progress. It was great to listen to, to find out what was really happening in the world.

The old wireless crackled and I bumped it with my fist, trying to get it to come out clear. Finally it focussed on the channel and Neville and I listened intently.

“Luna Lovegood has been snatched off the Hogwarts Express by Death Eaters. Our thoughts go to Xenophilius Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler.” The wireless then sparked a bit and fell silent.

“Poor Luna,” I whispered. Neville nodded, agreeing, but we were saved from any other comments by a knocking on the door.

“Ginny, can you get that for me?” Mum called out from the kitchen. I heaved myself off the lounge and opened the door, greeting Remus and Tonks. Tonks embraced me and I exclaimed over her swollen stomach as she glowed with happiness. Remus look a bit tired, but happy, nevertheless. I wondered if a full moon was coming up soon.

“Dinner, everyone!” Mum announced, levitating large bowls of steaming food onto the rickety dining table. Dad appeared, leading a bunch of other people who he had been entertain outside, and we all sat down at the table, pouring generous amounts of food onto our plates.

Neville and I sat down next to each other, digging ravenously into our piles of food.

“How’s the Order going?” Mrs. Longbottom asked. A scoff could be heard from the other side of the table where a tall and skinny man with a grey beard and blue eyes sat. He looked quite a lot like the late Albus Dumbledore.

“The Order?” The man rolled his eyes. I realised this must have been Aberforth, Dumbledore’s brother. Dad had mentions how different he was to Albus Dumbledore several times. “Of course the Order is suffering! Augustus, you and I both smartly backed out after the last war. I just wish the others-“ he waved his hand at the rest of the table, who looked quite taken aback by his outburst, “-would realise the same thing we did and save themselves before it’s too late.”

“Aberforth,” Mum scolded, frowning slightly. “Don’t be so negative. We’re holding our own, and you know it! You’re just scared of the outcomes of this war.”

“You’re right, Molly,” Aberforth said gruffly. “I am scared after all that I lose after the last war. But I suppose I shouldn’t have stated my… strong opinions right then and there. Sorry, everyone.”

Mum patted his shoulder. “That’s quite alright,” she said kindly. “Now everyone, dig in! I have this rule about no talk of the war during meals, so let’s just enjoy the dinner and afterwards we can chat about more important matters.”

“Hear, hear!” Fred and George chorused while shoving bread into their mouths. Everyone at the table laughed and followed Fred and George’s lead.

I leaned back on my chair and watched everyone at the table, a smile from ear to ear. Everyone was chatting, laughing and happily eating, all thoughts of the war temporarily shoved out of their minds. It was nice to be home.

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