Epilogue Two

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Epilogue 2

“Mummy!” exclaimed three-year old James, his brown eyes as wide as saucers. “Albus is being naughty! He stoled my broom!” I laughed at his incorrect grammar and ruffled my son’s hair, feeling overwhelming pride that Harry and I had turned our lives around. Especially after what we had been through.

“Ginny, have you seen James?” Harry bellowed from upstairs.

“He’s down here with me,” I shouted, leaning back further on the recliner lounge. My stomach was large with our third child. I was due in a few days, and Harry had ordered me to rest.

I heard Harry’s footsteps thudding on the stairs, and then he appeared around the corner, little Albus perched on his shoulders. Albus’s eyes, so much like Harry’s, were red as if he had been crying. Teddy Lupin, Harry's godson and the boy we treated and loved as our own son, trailed after Harry. He looked up to him so much and it was adorable to watch.

“James Sirius Potter, how many times do I have to tell you not to push your brother?” Harry’s stern voice was completely put on, but James was too young to realise. Harry always had trouble telling the boys off, he hated to see them upset. So I found it very amusing to see Harry try to discipline while avoiding their eyes. We would have trouble with them when they were older and could understand!

“But Daddy, Albus stoled my broom!” James pouted, his bottom lip jutting out in the way he knew his father couldn’t resist. Harry clenched his jaw and sighed, letting Albus off his shoulders. The three boys ran off, any problems between them forgotten.

 “How are my girls?” Harry asked, a smile on his face. He sat down on the arm next to me, placing his hand on my stomach.

“Hungry,” I teased, pushing him off the arm of the chair. He offered me his hand and I took it, getting out of the seat with great difficulty. “Now let’s go and find our boys before they destroy the house!” Harry laughed, and we walked – very slowly, I might add – to the garden where the boys no doubt were playing. Sure enough, there they were, Teddy swinging Albus on the swing set while James zoomed around the garden on his broomstick.

Harry began chasing James, and Albus and Teddy joined in too. I leant against the window watching the four boys who had made my life so amazing. I had no idea what I would do without them or the little girl who wasn’t yet ready for the world. I couldn’t wait to welcome her into our lives as well.

There was still a hole in our lives from all our loved ones we lost in the war, and that hole would never be repaired. But now we had begun to build around the hole and the fear and pain was slowly being overtaken by love. Dumbledore had been right; the strongest magic in the world was indeed love.

This story is now officially FINISHED! I know I said that a year ago when I uploaded the last chapter, but I never felt like it actually was finished, I suppose because I never wrote an epilogue. But I owe it to you guys for all your support, I could never thank you enough!

Above all, I want to thank the readers who commented on every chapter, you guys gave me the inspiration to write, and without you, I don't know if I would have finished this story! All my readers mean the world to me, though, whether you are silent or not!

So this is the end, no more Ginny's Story, but I hope you guys will still stick with me and read the 'SEQUEL', Lily Luna's Story, if you haven't already. It would mean a lot to me!

I love you all,

Emily <3

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