Chapter 9 Back to Hogwarts

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This is quite a long chapter and it has only been a day (I think) since I last uploaded! Wow, I'm too generous :) hahaha!

Hope you enjoy!

Oh and the video on the left is a clip of me singing 'Time in a Bottle'. It's not very good so please don't be too harsh! I recorded it AGES ago :)

Chapter 9 Back to Hogwarts

Mum pushed my hair back from my face, waking me up.

“Get up, Gin,” Mum said gently. “You’re going back to Hogwarts today.” Her eyes crinkled at the sides and I knew what she was thinking about. Everything about the magical world had changed dramatically, why should Hogwarts be any different? If I was honest with myself, I was terrified to see how it changed.

I swung my legs off my bed and changed into the clothes I had laid out on the floor. Tonks had helped me pack my trunk the night before and it was already downstairs.

Mum rushed me through breakfast and then forced me to hurriedly say goodbye to my family.

“See you, Ginny!” Bill said, pulling me into a hug with Fleur clinging on as well.

“I ‘ope you ‘ave a wonderful time at ‘ogwarts!” Fleur smiled. I forced a smile back. She probably only wanted me out of the house so she could have Bill focusing on nobody but her.

Each family member hugged me tightly until it came to Mum.

“Oh Ginny,” she said tearful, squeezing me hard. “I’m going to miss you so much!”

“Aren’t you coming to King’s Cross?” I asked. Usually Mum wasn’t so emotional until we got to the station.

Mum shook her head sadly. “It would be safer if I didn’t come. I have organised a group of Aurors to take you and make sure you’re safe. I would be too much of a hassle to bring along.” I hugged Mum again. These days nobody you knew was safe from death.

“Come on then,” Tonks said, taking my hand. “Enough goodbyes. Time to go to Hogwarts!” She was putting on a bright voice for my sake and I appreciated it.

“I’m glad you’re coming,” I told Tonks as we exited the house. Five large Aurors flanked us, making me feel very protected.

“What are friends for, eh?” Tonks smiled, squeezing my hand.

We arrived at King’s Cross Station in no time. The Aurors surrounding us moved quickly, making me move just as fast to keep up.

Tonks and I hurried through the wall quickly. Never had I been so keen on getting on the train and escaping all the tenseness and fear.

“Bye Ginny!” Tonks shouted as I rushed onto the train. I waved absently behind me and went to find a compartment.

“Ginny!” a familiar voice cried with relief. I spun around and ran to Neville, hugging him. “Luna’s inside the compartment. Come on.”

I followed Neville into the compartment and he locked it after me.

“Malfoy and his gang have been ‘monitoring’ the hallway,” Luna said dazedly. “It’s safer to stay away from them.” I nodded in agreement.

“So what have you been up to?” I asked.

Neville shrugged. “Gran forbade me to even step outside. I’ve been trapped in our house all holidays.” That answered why he was so pale.

“Father and I went on holidays after the wedding fiasco. We went looking for crumple horned snorkacks,” Luna said.

“Any luck?” I inquired delicately with a small laugh. Luna and her crazy ideas…

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