a Baylor Barnes Love Story

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"Hollie!! What do you think you're doing!?" My mom screamed at me.

Nothing.. I whispered to myself. I was always trapped in my room because I was always afraid to come out to my abusive mom.

I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. I quickly hid my phone and acted like I was just sitting there.

She opened the door and slapped me in the face. My eyes filled with tears and I wanted to leave.

She then yelled at me saying," You bitch!" I didn't know what I did so wrong.

Then the door bell rung. She told me that she would be right back to beat me even more. I knew I had to get out of here.

I quickly got out of bed and ran to my old purple Nike bag and stuffed 3 shirts 4 pants and some extra stuff. I then sneaked down stairs and stole 100$ from my moms purse.

Luckily she didn't see or notice. I tiptoed up the stairs and shut my door and opened my window. "Good thing there was this tree here." I said to myself. I began to climb out and suddenly my mom opens the door and she yells, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! "Away from you! I said.

I just jumped off the tree and began to run away. My mom ran after me and I don't think I've ever ran this fast before.

I ran around the corner of this building and I think I lost her. I gasped for air and sat down to catch my breath.

Then, I heard people talking. It sounded like they were saying," Who is that?" I pulled my knees to my face and hope they wouldn't hurt me. I peaked to see who they were.

A boy with curly-ish brown hair came up to me. He told me he wouldn't hurt me. I stayed quiet. I was really scared. Then two boys with blonde hair came behind him. They said," Baylor! What are you doing..?" " Oh I just saw this girl sitting here but she won't talk to me."

The two boys walked over to me and asked me what was wrong. I then looked up at them and I thought to myself," I'm gonna tell them. And I also thought they were cute..so why not?"

I told them with tears in my eyes," My mom." The boy with brown hair said," What about your mom?" "She hurts me." I said wiping my tears from my face.

I showed them my bruises and cuts. All of their mouths dropped. "Oh my gosh." Said one of the boys with blonde hair.

The boy with brown hair told me," You'll be safe with me. Lets go y'all." They all got up, but I didnt.

"You coming?" Said the boy with brown hair.
"Oh, yeah. sure." I said nervously.

They waited for me and I got up and went in their direction.

"Can I get your name?" Said the lovely boy with brown hair. I told him it was Hollie. He told me I had a pretty name and I smiled. I haven't smiled in awhile.

I said." Thanks. How about you guys?" "I'm Baylor, that's John Stephen and that's Cole. I smiled and told them nice to meet you!

They said ."You too!" Baylor asked me if I had anywhere to stay. I told him no.. He said that I could stay with him. I smiled and said," You sure? I don't want to get in the way of things."

He said he was sure. And that I wouldn't get in the way of things. I smiled and we all continued to walk to Baylor's house.

We arrived and he sure did have a nice house. We all walked in and it smelt really good.

His mom said," Well who do we have here?" I told her," Hi. my name is Hollie." And I shook her hand.

Baylor told the guys to take me to his room. While he explained to his mom about me.

They took me to Baylor's room and it was surprisingly clean. I sat my bag down and looked around.

"Make yourself at home." said Baylor walking in. "Oh okay. I just wanted to say, thanks for letting me stay here. You could of saved my life." I said with a half smile.

He said," Anytime." and smiled back. I asked him if he could show me where the shower was. He showed me and I said," thanks." And shut the door.

I stripped off my clothes and got in. I washed my hair and body. 10 minuets later, I got out and dried my hair. Luckily I packed my toothbrush and tooth paste. I brushed my teeth and hair and walked out.

I walked into Baylor's room and I saw John, Cole, and Baylor playing xbox. I smiled and sat on his bed and got on my phone. It was about to die.

I had an old grandma phone. I wish I had an iPhone or something. Baylor told me," That's quite a nice phone you got there." He said sarcastically. "Hey! it's the only thing I have!" I said practically yelling.

He just laughed at me. I felt butterfly's in my stomach. I instantly fell in love with his laugh. I smiled and looked at the time. it was 7:00pm and it was time for dinner.

I asked Baylor what we were having and he said," Chicken and potatoes." Sounds good to me." I said.

We all walked down stairs and got something to eat. We all finished and I told Baylor's mom I could help her with the dishes.

She said ," That would be lovely!" She smiled and I smiled back. Baylor and the boys went back to his room to continue playing

I grabbed the plates and she washed them. She said," Thanks sweetie, for helping me!" I said," No problem!" And 10 minuets later we finished.

I asked her what I could call her. She said," Call me Mrs. Barnes. I said," okay, Mrs. Barnes."

We both laughed and told eachother goodnight!

I walked into Baylor's room and it looked like they all quit. I laughed. it was now 8:15 and the boys had to go. I told him," Woah. I though you were brothers!?" John said." Nah just close friends." Cole said," Yep really close."

"Oh. Well nice meeting you!"I told them bye and they left. I then fell on the bed. I told Baylor," Well I'll sleep on the floor I guess." He said," No no you can sleep in here with me." My cheeks turned red and I said," You sure?"

"Yes. I don't mind." I smiled. " Well thanks for everything." I said smiling. "No problem."  He said with a smile.

It was now 9:00 and I was already tired. He turned on the tv and turned off the lights and got under the covers and watched tv.

A couple minuets later, I fell asleep.

Hope you guys liked chapter 1:) thanks for reading and please vote :) thanks again!

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