Chapter 4 - A Familiar Portrait

Start from the beginning

Thursday and Friday zoomed by and soon enough Saturday arrived. Alexia spent most of the morning getting ready for her date in Hogsmeade. She knew she always had to look her best when she went to Hogsmeade as there would always be someone there secretly taking photos that would end up in gossip and fashion magazines, and seeing as she never replied to any of the letters requesting interviews, there would no doubt be someone there for that too. Alexia dressed in a skirt and shirt, with a pair of cream stockings and flats. She took one of her nicest cream coloured coats and wore it over the top of her outfit to keep her warm in the autumn wind. The coat was soft and rather long, sitting just above her knees and covering most of her outfit. It was detailed delicately, with gold buttons on the top of each shoulder pad and gold buttons going down in sets of two on the front. The buttons on the front were each connected with a tiny golden chain, which matched the gold chain on her emerald green bag. She filled the bag with a pouch of money and pocketed her wand. She zipped up the beautiful green bag, swung it over her shoulder, grabbed a scarf in the same deep green colour and made her way up to the Entrance Hall to meet Pansy and Daphne to go to Hogsmeade together.

When the three arrived in the picturesque little village of Hogsmeade They walked into the main street which was packed already with with excited students from Hogwarts. There were students hovering around the window of Zonko's Joke Shop, looking at the latest products that were on display, and several third-years were out the front of Honeyduke's sharing with each other what sweets they had just purchased.

"Hey, can we go to the quill shop? I need a new quill," Daphne said as they walked along the street.

"Yeah, sure," Alexia replied.

They walked towards the small shop known as Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and entered through the creaky, wooden door.

The shop was almost empty apart from a few girls who were checking out the rainbow inked quills which sat on top of one of the shelves. Alexia and Pansy followed Daphne as she searched the shelves for the right quill. Once she had, she purchased the quill and after being hassled into buying some new parchment as well by the weedy man at the counter, the three girls left the shop.

"Well I should probably go meet up with Blaise now, do you two want to come say hi?" Alexia asked.

"No that's okay Alexia, we were thinking of going to get a drink at the Three Broomsticks." Pansy said, "Have fun on your date!"

"Alright, thanks." Alexia said hugging the two girls before heading off in the direction of the tea shop.

She spotted Blaise with Theodore Nott, another Slytherin student, turning onto the main street.

"Blaise! Theodore!" She called, walking a little faster to reach them.

"Hey Alexia!" Blaise exclaimed, pulling her into an affectionate hug.

Alexia was about to kiss him when she remembered Theodore, who was standing awkwardly unsure where to look.

"Oh," Blaise said noticing why Alexia hadn't given him a kiss, "Theo, you don't want us to come with you, do you?"

"Er no, no that's okay. You two enjoy your date," Theodore rushingly said.

"Okay, well I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah, see ya."

"Bye Theodore!" Alexia added as he walked off by himself towards the main street. She looked up at Blaise and giggled, he smiled back at her, then claimed her lips.


On the way to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, Alexia spotted a photographer snapping photos of her and Blaise, but when she looked over, the photographer pretended to be taking photos of the nearby trees. She also spotted Draco Malfoy snogging a girl behind a bush, and close-by to them were Crabbe and Goyle pushing around a short boy with black, curly hair.

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