8 - L I A M

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L I A M 

10:15 PM

“We were engaged” Micki said as she dug her hand in her pocket and took out the silver ring, “I knew something was going on, he wasn’t normal. Even on Christmas, he called me late and barely spoke for two minutes. I sensed something was wrong, but I pushed it back” I noticed the tears swelling in her eyes, “I chose to ignore it, hoping that it was my imagination” she shook her head not daring to look at me while she unexpectedly spoke about Kevin - her ex fiance, “And the worse thing? Break it off on the phone, he’s hilarious” she chuckled with so much pain.

Tucking a strand behind her ears, “I don’t know why I’m telling you this honestly, sorry I’m bothering you”

“No, don’t” I extended my hand and touched hers. On instinct she pulled her hand away, “S-Sorry I didn’t mean to I-“

“I’m sorry Liam, you’re a great guy. But my fiancé just broke up with me; I need a bit of time”

What time? I know I am going to be departed from this beautiful girl in a matter of hours, and I hate it.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you” I said as she sobbed. She brought her hands to her face and sobbed loudly. I looked around as people sneakily looked at us; I hope they would look away and not assume wrong things.

I moved from my seat opposite her and sat beside her. I put my hand around her shoulder and hugged her close to me, even though she rejected my touch at first; I know she needs a hug from someone. A friend, if that’s what I am.

“It’s alright, he’s not worth it. I mean who even does that? What a pussy” she chuckled in my chest as she pulled away.

“Sorry, your shirt is all wet now” she groaned rubbing the spot on my chest. I felt goose bumps on the spots she touched as I smiled adoringly at her.

“Don’t be silly, I don’t mind Micki” she smiled at me. Why did she feel so secure around me? Knowing me for two hours and here she is crying about her fiancé in my arms.

“I broke up with my two year old girlfriend too a couple of months ago” I admitted, “It sucks doesn’t it? She couldn’t bear staying with me anymore, because those people who claim being fans were sending her hate”

“I’m sorry” Micki mumbled.

“I’m sorry too” I said, feeling sorry for her and myself.

After a five minute silence, her tucked under my arms comfortably, I got up and stretched.

“Do you want to go back, meet the lads?” I asked the blonde sitting in front of me. Micki looked around uncomfortable with my question, “I’m sure they’ll love you, come on” I smiled reassuringly at her.

Micki got up and she and I both walked side by side into the direction of our spot. Micki turned to one of the rows unexpectedly as I stood there dumbfounded to why she changed the route. She turned around and walked backwards, “Getting my bags silly” she stuck her tongue at me and turned back around to only trip on her own bags and fall flat on the ground.

“Oh my god” I exclaimed running over to help her, and burst out laughing as I pulled her up, “You’re such a clutz”

“Shut up” she rubbed her elbows embarrassed, taking her hand bag.

“I’ll take your bag it’s alright” I pulled her small brown bag, she didn’t have a lot of luggage, “That was hilarious”

“That was so stupid god” she shook her head as we headed back into our own direction. Finally reaching our destination, Micki decides to take a turn to the row the lads were positioned at to only stumble upon a small hand bag on the floor and fall on her knees, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she grumbled as I helped her again laughing harder than the first time.

“What is wrong with you Micki?” I asked wiping my tears away as she dusted her white jeans, tugging on her blue sweater.

“Oh my god, are you alright?” a black haired girl with glasses covering her oval shaped face asked pulling the hand bag off the floor, “I’m so sorry”

“It’s alright” Micki smiled, it wasn’t the black haired girl’s fault after all. Micki was really a clumsy person.

I noticed there indeed were two females sitting there, with Zayn and Louis. I glanced confused between the lads and the females and sat on the metal bench pulling Micki beside me. I sat opposite Zayn and the brunette, while Louis sat right beside my leg, the black haired girl beside him on the chair.

“Oh, yeah” Louis said suddenly, “Our bad, you guys don’t know each other”

“No shit” I said rolling my eyes.

The introduction took about ten seconds, as the females; Micki, Chloe and Lisa, met the lads; Louis, Zayn and I. It was an interesting combination indeed. From a manly character; Chloe, to a nerdy looking female; Lisa, to a normal emotional broken girl; Micki.

“How did you guys meet?” Louis asked motioning to me then to Zayn.

“At the phone booth, he was listening to my conversation with my ex fiancé” Micki explained in detail as I glared at her. Louis let out a loud laugh as Zayn chuckled.

“How could you Liam? I have taught you better” Louis said dramatically clutching his chest.

“Grow up” I kicked Louis’s head that was positioned beside my knee, “What about Harry and Niall?” I looked around the circle of six heads, “Where are they?”

“Present” I heard a voice behind me startling me. Turning around, I saw Niall with the same brunette we met two hours ago tucked under Niall’s arm, with Harry standing beside him with the bird that was stretching a few rows in front of us.

Niall ruffled my hair, “Missed us I see” I responded by pushing Niall’s hand and groaning fixing my hair. Niall pouted and walked in front of us and sat on the floor on the corner of the circle with the brunette, with Harry sitting beside the brunette on the floor as well and the blonde beside him.

“So, introductions please?” Harry asked glancing around at the new faces of three different girls.

The introductions that occurred just a few minutes ago started all over again as five new girls were introduced to five new boys. It seemed like a teenager circle, as if we were having our own party.

“We should play a game” Autumn exclaimed clapping her hands together, “I’ll go get my soccer ball yeah?” she got up and ran over to her luggage. She came back with her bags and a ball in her hand, “Mind if I keep my luggage here?” she asked. We all nodded in response looking confused at her with the ball in her hand.

“Alright, let’s play soccer!” she threw the ball on the floor in the middle of the circle.


I hope you all enjoyed this. I know I took some time to post, sorry about that! Please, do vote and comment, it really does make my day? x 

A picture of Micki on the side. 

Lots of love, 

H x 

7even Hours [o.d]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora